Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

~girth Please

~girth Please

Guys i need a good girth routine, mine at the moment is about 5.25 - 5.5 but i want to increase to about 6”, also my length is about 6” and i feel really inadequate please can some one help me. Its sometimes hard to find time as the girlfriend is always close by haha.


Ok firstly 5.5 inch girth is nothing to sniff at. Just go look at official condom size stats and you will feel much better. I think the average length is a bit less than 6 inches and the average girth is also under 5.

Anyway the sense of inadequacy you have now, may not even go away with a bit more size so try to nip that in the bud. Be happy with your level and the fact that you WILL get bigger if you go slowly and surely. A desperate need for a quick fix is a recipe for frustration, low self confidence and injuries. The trick for me is to be happy with it and still want to be bigger. You will see that some guys are really big and yet they are still here improving themselves. Slow and steady wins the race.

Oh and by the way I recommend semi erect o bends for targetting the tunica. I do them with a cockring on. Has worked like nothing else for me, but be careful! Not for newbies! Feel your way into it.

This thread is over 10 years old and the original poster has not posted in over 9 years.

Ah ok. Then Bump!

lol on the bump.

Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"

Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"

Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"

Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics

I hope the original poster finally reached his goal in that nine year period!

Crazy, people have been jelqing since I was 13!

-Hidden 2013

Well, not constantly. We take breaks to go to the bathroom, make sandwiches, etc..

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Hahaaaa!! I must try one of these “sandwiches” you speak of.

- Crouching balls hidden sack


Buddy ,

I found a PE routine maybe I can send it to you if you want

Originally Posted by bubblemania
Buddy ,

I found a PE routine maybe I can send it to you if you want

Nice, im sure your grandpa was the bolognasmith ever. I personally enjoy it very much as long as i dont have to make it. Id rather starve than put my own cup of noodle in the microwave.


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