Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth routine?


If you haven´t done any jelqs in 3 years you should avoid clamping for some time, man. So you don´t burst your bloodvessels.

Marinera, do you think ULI´s with jelqs will emphazise girth compared to only jelqing?

I am me, I am everything, I am the observer, I am the consciousness,

I am what I say I am, I am what they think I am, I am nothing,

I am yours and you are mine

Uli’s with a jelq routine will most certainly give you better results for girth than only doing the jelq. What worked for me was primarily pumping at low volume for long sets. The key is to avoid edema. Most can’t get past the eye candy that pumping can provide so they over do it. Edema is a big reason that many pumpers do not gain. There are actually some amazing threads here that have very detailed and easy to understand explanations of how and why pumping works. One of the reasons I signed up here were the older threads on pumping and if I were looking for more girth I would definitely read them.

I have had success with pumping combined with the jelq as well. A pumped penis responds well with jelquing between sets. The belief that pumping can not provide solid gains is incorrect. What will not provide gains is incorrect pumping.

Originally Posted by 16cmofmeat
If you haven´t done any jelqs in 3 years you should avoid clamping for some time, man. So you don´t burst your bloodvessels.

Marinera, do you think ULI´s with jelqs will emphazise girth compared to only jelqing?

This is a great point, be careful not to jump into targeted girth exercises too quickly.

Originally Posted by 16cmofmeat

Marinera, do you think ULI´s with jelqs will emphazise girth compared to only jelqing?

I think it can give some more gains at the base; simple jelqs,e expecially dry jelqs, are unmatched for gains at misdhaft IMHO - always pointing out that what works for most could not work for everybody etc. etc..

Thanks bigee, have you made any girth gains, and if so how much and do you think they’re permanent?

Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG

Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG

I have gained 1/2 of an inch but I am going for length and have focused on that for a while. I started with pumping but then went to hanging and haven’t focused on girth for a long time. The reason I believe that pumping can give real gains is because mine have stayed and are real. I went a year without pumping any more than once or twice a month and after a year I was still at 5 7/8ths MEG up from 5.5 where I started. I was at 6 to 6.1 but I definitely kept a solid 3/8ths for a year with no girth work. I took two months from hanging and got back to a full 6+ and after 6 weeks I am still at 6. This time I did do some clamping along with my pumping and jelqing.

I was well over 6.25 when fully pumped and at times completely packed my 2.00 inch cylinder.

Damn those are some awesome gains. I’m looking to get up to 5.6 so I have to pretty much match you in gains. I’m going to order a pimp this week. Can’t wait.

Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG

Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG

Originally Posted by jaylough
Thanks Tnt. I think I’m going to wet jelq and maybe do a little clamping.

Don’t try clamping if you are not conditioned.

Originally Posted by jaylough
Tnt jockey, have you ever taken an extended break from clamping and kept your gains?

Depends what your definition is of extended breaks. I did 6 on and 2 off and I saw great and fast results.
Read my thread and it will give a better understanding about my breaks, but I must state, I was very well

Originally Posted by jaylough
Damn those are some awesome gains. I’m looking to get up to 5.6 so I have to pretty much match you in gains. I’m going to order a pimp this week. Can’t wait.

You will get there and your starting more length than I did. I believe the key to my success this far has been sticking with it.

Clamping and doing kegels at the same time really worked for me :)

My name is sarcastic.

Ive been jelqing lately, doing twenty minutes at a time, pimp coming soon. Looking to gain and cement a half inch in girth but seems impossible. It seems like to many guys here have had length success but not girth success. How do able is a half inch of girth?

Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG

Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG

I’ve been doing PE for almost 2 years, mostly to gain EQ, but I’ve had some good gains along the way. I’ve only pretty much only 10 minutes of dry jelqs, and edging with some ULIs and manual clamping (with my fingers only). I do this every other day or so. I’ve steadily gained girth and I’m sitting at 5.7 mseg comfortably, starting at 5.25 mseg. I guess I’m not hardcore enough to try the clamps and pumps.

Nice gains starbuck, do you think they are cemented?

I am starting to think that jelqs are the key to girth gains.

Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG

Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG

They(jelqs) definitely gives some girth and you can emphasize the girth gains by doing dryjelqs and pumping together for example, but I would guess that you still get more length compared to girth unless you compare increased volume.

I have gained about 0,3 inch in girth from doing a light version of the newbie-routine plus a few ULI´s for maybe 10 months in total.

I am me, I am everything, I am the observer, I am the consciousness,

I am what I say I am, I am what they think I am, I am nothing,

I am yours and you are mine

I guess so, as I’ve gone weeks without PE and I’m still the same girth. I forgot to mention my glands has increased in size as well, with a 10 level erection I can no longer fit it into a paper towel roll. I’m starting to edge towards 15 cm (6 inches) in girth, maybe in a year or so I’ll be there!


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