Going back to the drawing board. Please help.
Well, I’ve been stuck at 7.25” NBPEL X 5.375” EG for a good while, now. After taking a break for a little while, I resumed pumping in a range of about 4-6 inches of Hg for about eight weeks with no signs of progress. I’m very frustrated.
The last time I saw decent progress was when I combined pumping and clamping. I didn’t see any progress during the PE, but rather I saw progress once I took a break from it.
I, like so many others here, have an ultimate goal of 8” NBPEL X 6” EG. My short term goal would be 7.5” NBPEL X 5.5” EG.
I was considering doing the combination of pumping and clamping one more time, but was also considering simply going back to the drawing board.
If there’s any advice that anybody here would like to impart, I’ve be very appreciative.
Because my starting stats were taken as BPEL, I can only estimate my NBPEL starting stats as being approx. 6.25”. My starting girth was 5.25”