Thunder's Place

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Going to try out newbie's routine..


Going to try out newbie's routine..

Been trying various forms of PE for 2 years with little to no results so hopefully this will be the “one.”

Day 1: 15 minutes of jelqing at 50-70% erection.
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Goto Day 1

Continue this routine for one month and then measure.

Wish me luck.

I’ve also started newbie’s routine yesterday. Hopefully it will work. Good luck.

Something different is for everyone. I would do what feels right. To me, that’s lots of stretching and minimal jelqing compared to what I used to do. I also jelq flaccid and semi erect depending on the day. For once, I feel like I am making decent gains in length but I have not taken a ruler to it…

Want some candy?

You may also want to look into some of the “newer” stretching ideas using different types of resistance than you may have tried already.

In newbie’s post he suggested that stretching the ligaments in any manner is dangerous. I agree with him.

Experienced, newbie suggested that if your doing day on day off routine to do 20 minutes. Is 15 minutes enough for jelqing?

Nevermind, he said 15-20 minutes. Sorry.

I’m going to stick with 15 minutes because I used to jelq for 30 minutes a day on a 2 days on 1 day off routine for 1.5 months and had absolutely no results.

If you jelqed for 30 minutes 2on/1off, and that didn’t work, why are you gonna do less?

I starting to think that the penis is a pretty tough organ, and perhaps you need more days of work in a row to fully wear it out, then rest it. Like four on, one off or something. Maybe it takes more consecutive days of PE to break the cock down enough so that it starts to grow. Just a theory that I am starting to believe… at least for my own situation.

I figure I was overtraining.

I used to even do 30 minutes of 90-100% erect powerjelqing and had no results!

When I first started, I did a three day a week schedule. I got a little results. When I started doing five days a week, I felt I was getting bigger, but still nothing as dramatic as what others are experiencing on this board. So I’m pretty much on the fence as to what to do now. It’s been seven months, and I haven’t even gained half an inch in either dimension yet. Maybe a quarter, or an eigth, but that’s it. It’s starting to really frustrate me.

15 minutes jelqing one day on one day off may just do the trick, but it all depends on what your goal is ,length, girth or both.If your aimimg for girth try jelqing with more than a 50% erection.If your jelqing for 15 minutes make it a good 15 minutes, dont just run your hand over your unit use a bit of pressure but dont over do it and injure your self, penis enlargement takes time.Some people like myself make good gains in length from jelqing alone others need extra stretching, why not try one minute streches ,left , right, forward upwards and down to the floor.Good luck and let us know how you go.

It’s been 20 days now of day on/off jelqing. I think I see visible results but am afraid to measure. I’ll wait 10 more days.

Damn, didn’t gain anything.

Weird how you think your penis is larger when you’re on a routine and don’t measure for a while.

Disappointing to hear...

I remember Newbie’s thread, and a few that were similiar (Thermo’s post, for one), extolling the virtues of short sessions and rest periods.

Nonetheless, I seem to recall trying such a routine myself a number of times with little result.

I’ve also done a great deal more and met with failure.

Which leads me to believe that perhaps the routine, itself, may not be the sole factor at work.

I’m about to embark on a 10 week “adventure” to test a little theory of mine:

Growth can be spectacular, provided optimal conditions are met.

I’m not going to mention the specifics yet, as I’m sure they will be heavily questioned and I’d rather not defend them untill the evidence is in, so to speak.

The plan might also be complete bunk, in which case I’d rather not defend it at all!


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