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great girth, small glans

great girth, small glans

I was wondering if anyone else has the same problem as I do: my glans is below average, but my overall girth is above average. My girth is 5.75 inches but my glans is only about 1x1, which I understand is very below average. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. The glans size leads to first impressions, and though my flaccid size is pretty big, my glans makes for a small first impression.

Started 5.75 x 4.75 Goal: 7 x 6! <-- Started with a piglet, want a HOG

Your in the same boat I’m in… You see my glans? Pathetic!

Skeptic, have you tried sadsak squeezes

I have a 5.75 (base), 5.5 mid girth & a 1.25 - 1.5” (when max. erect) glans. I have been doing sadsak for more than 1 month. I can’t say if there was any change in length of the head, but it does look more full - I definitely think the ridge has become taller. Before squeezes/jelqs the ridge used to be less high, not it’s a little higher. Good luck (to me too)!!

Same problem here...

I have a small glans, but really haven’t tried to work on it yet.

What’s worse is that the right side of my glans is normal size, and the left side is almost nonexistent. Through some squezzes and jelqing I get some blood up there. When I reach 5.5 fbp I will work girth and head size.

General consensus is that the glans gets its blood from the Corpus Spongiosum (CS). Where normal jelqing hits the Corpus Cavernosum (CC). So it would seem that you need to push more blood through the CS rather then the CC.

Here are some links to some information:
Corpus spongiosum
westla90069 - Circulation to the glans
Circulation to the glans

This may work, I have done this myself a couple of time and it does look larger for a while…
Button Crush


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

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