Thunder's Place

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hair up the sides of penis shaft?


hair up the sides of penis shaft?

I ve read a couple posts concerning this and even dld mentioned that if you have hair growing on your shaft that it is a sign your growing or are about to.

can somebody explain the reasoning for this?

If your penis is longer, it’s likely that your penis skin isn’t going to grow at the same rate. This results in your hair “creeping” onto the shaft.

It sucks!! I hate shaving and I ain’t waxing

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

But Dino, the Elvis sideburns are back in style!! Whoo hoo!

And three minutes later, it’s out of style again. Sorry, Dino. Looks like you’re waxing.

I don’t mine it at all. Having to shave or wax every once in awhile is an acceptable side effect of growing a bigger dick. :)

Had the same problem but shaving twice a week did the trick. Nutsack and shaft are smooth as a baby’s rear. Looks much better, too.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

In a few years when my dick reaches the length I want, I will spend a bit of money to get permanent removal of any hairs on my dick, with lazer treatment hair removal. It’s a little expensive but it is permanent and it atleast means that when I become unkept as most do when they get to a certain age, I won’t have a hairy dick which turns my future partner off of giving me the regular blow jobs any loving man deserves. lol. Prices will go down for it in the future anyway.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I shave the shaft in the shower, I just don’t like to do it. I trim the balls and keep the fur short but I ain’t shaving them

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hello guys, may I join the fun? When I started de-hairing, I shaved - it sucked. Then I found the Seiko Feather Touch shaver (an internet search will find them for all different prices, an example is ). There is also a cheaper knock off called the Midas Touch & it works too, just is not as robust a machine. It is the best pubic shaver bar none. I have bought a number of them for girls, have made others buy them to date me, and highly recommend one to anyone who wants to shave delicate areas. You will not get a closer shave from anything else.

Then I tried Kalo hair inhibitor ( Nisim International | Canada | Hair Care Products | FAST Shampoo | NewHair Biofactors | Kalo ) about a year ago. I tweezed the hairs, then used as recommended. A few months later (actually, I think around 6), no more hair. I am using it on my ears now. The only caveat is that it apparently does not work for everyone, but if you buy from the web site they will refund your purchase if it does not work for you (I think they recommend going through 2 bottles before giving up). It’s snake oil for sure, but it did actually work for me.

And something else - I started using Jergens Naturally Smooth shave minimizing moisturizer a couple months ago on the parts of my neck and cheeks that I shave just because I needed a moisturizer and saw this one at Walgreens. I figured, if it actually reduces my need to shave once a day (or more) great, if not, so what? Sure as heck, I only shave these areas every other day now and the hairs are not nearly as course when I do shave them.

If I had dark hair and light skin, I would Laser. But, since I am exactly wrong for laser, I will stick with Kalo and get rid of small areas one at a time (I hope).

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

I use “magic powder”, the shaving system for black men… It comes in a can and smells like shit… You just mix the powder with cold water and smear on the area you want the hair removed, wait 10 minutes and then stand in the shower and the hair *falls off*… No shaving system even comes close to this shit, it’s like you never ever had any hair there (for about 4 days).. I’m going to try that kalo stuff that Priratesteve mentioned and see how that goes…

That magic powder can leave your skin raw, or damaged if you leave it on too long.It burned my face when i used it.

"Confidence is a hell of a drug!"


Can you smear it on the sensetive ball sac?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Hi…I’m new to these forums, can someone answer the originally posed question in this topic? I’ve been wondering the same thing for a little while. Thanks!

I’ve never tried it on my face but used it on the trout and nut sack, never had any burning or anything negative results from using it… The hair really falls off and when I say smooth it is really like you never had any hair to begin with… I used it on my wife the other day instead of the normal wax method and she is sold on it..

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