Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Happy Birthday DW !!!

ThunderSS this is the 2nd Birthday I have spent at Thunder’s Place thanks for having me. Its a very special place to me.

Tex3 it is nice to know another Aries is around. Should be your turn soon then.

Dino what do you mean enjoy my 29th Birthday AGAIN??? ;)
Hey that was a helluva ride. Thank YOU!!!

avocet8 Yeah the twenties are pure hell. I think I can handle it. I will just do like you suggested & endure. “sigh”

Darklin Sithas you may be right I may never turn 30. I think 29 is just about right for me!! lol

Thank You everyone for the very special to me Birthday Wishes!!

Also Thanks for visiting DW’s Forums. All your participation there, your posts & comments, really makes it a great place. I am very proud of it!!!

Last edited by DiamondWinds : 04-09-2003 at .

H A P P Y B I R T D A Y D I A M O N D W I N D S !
:blue: :blue: :blue: :babe5: :blue: :blue: :blue:

Push the PC power button - OFF…
Put on your Dancing Shoes…
and Go Celebrate !

Have a Great Day, DW.

ù ì å í


DW !!!!

Arrrgh - Thunder did it again. He announced a beloved member’s birthday after close of business in Germany. And he’s not even in your time zone, I thought!!!

Anyway… I have something which will overrule all previous birthday posts (which is easy, weird posts like “my wife gushed while riding in the woods” :wtf: - RB, it’s about DWs birthday here!!! ;) )

OK now….


I wish you all the best for your 29th birthday! I do enjoy your presence here a lot - your forum is one of the most important sections here at Thunder’s. Every day I am longing to find some new ‘Dive’ posts - and it inspires me to look for some funny stuff myself. Luckily while fishing in the WWW for stuff to post in the Dive I also found you some delicious birthday cake:


...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Happy Birthday DW, and here’s wishing you many more beautiful ones to come!


AWWWWW!! WillB7 how beautiful!!! Thank You sooo much for going to all that trouble for me. How lovely Roses & everything. :kisskiss:

L born XXL buried I am so glad you like DW’s. Good to see you there. You are a great contributor with your funny & sexy posts. They are enjoyed very much. Now where is my cake??? I dont seem to be able to find it. You didnt eat it all up did you? :hearton:

peforeal Thank You for the Beautiful Birthday Wishes. ;)

Happy Birthday Diamond Winds!!!!! Keep up the good work on your forum it makes my day everyday.

Good question!!!

Where is the cake, WHO ATE THE CAKE, HUH? :cya:

Fortunately I analyzed and stored its physical pattern electronically and were able to reproduce in my “Materialization Device”. Here it is…

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

Happy B(elated)irthday Diamond. Sorry I a missed it yesterday. Hopefully it will just seem like a continuation of yesterday with lots of love and well wishes to you. Thanks for your awesome forum and always valued female perspective.:hearton:

Sorry I missed this-

Hoping you had a wonderful birthday !!


You’re the greatest! Happy belated birthday.

ps. Did I also tell you that you are hot?!!!

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I am always a day late and a dollar short.

Happy Belated Birthday Diamond Winds!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

(3.1 KB, 26 views)

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

DW, you have been such a kind soul to me. I appeciate your involvement here and I trully wish you the happiest day ever and many more.


Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

jojo & long2Blong Thanks for the B-Day Wishes. Im so glad you guys like DW’s. I appreciate your visits there.

Dark Trick you didnt miss nothing. Thanks for the B-Day wishes

Jelktoid your compliment that I’m Hot is the best present I could get. Thank You ;)

L born XXL buried I think you ate my cake cause I still don’t see it! See how you are.

Anna Nimity Thank You for the beautiful rose & the friendship all these years.

DDL thanks for the B-Day wishes. Big Thanks To Jen also. The two of you make Mondays a special day at the Dive every week.

Thanks Everybody for making my Birthday Special!!! :D

Happy Birthday, DW!

All the best for you :)

i hope i am not too late :)

"..and if it takes ten thousand years, we never will retreat" :-pulse:


Its never to late!! Thank you so much ;)


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