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Hard flaccid after one session


Actually, aspirin might help here. It makes blood softer and may help you get back to floppy.

How about some ginkgo too. Maybe try rub some arnica oil on your tool.

Maybe a combination of those and a hot compress. Really depends on how severe and how often.

The cock thickens

Thanks for the advices, I will look in to it.

Keep us posted kellea. Seems almost as if the blood may be congealed in your tubes.

Thanks for the input, well something is wrong and I’m pretty frustrated. Thanks for the help guys!

How do you guys jelq? How far from the head do you jelq?

Originally Posted by kallea
I’m starting to think it’s in my head with stress and all. I’m also dealing with a depression for the moment, can it affect my erections? ..

I would not underestimate the issue expressed in your first statement. In fact I would give that full consideration over PE until it is resolved and you feel you are in a stable and positive mental state. Even mild depression or anxiety can impact the connection greatly. To rule out anything physiological, get a physical from your MD and a comprehensive male blood panel. Speak to a professional about your depression also. I am not a big proponent of prescribing drugs for depression in all cases so I would seek counseling or therapy first in that regard, meaning coming to grips with and eliminating your depression without them. Exercise such as walking and core focused exercise is great for mental state and male plumbing. Best of Luck. Feel well.

I jelq with my finger and thumb forming an “O” and from the base of my penis I slowly pull away from my body. As the one hand reaches the glans I follow with the other hand. I think this is the way most of us do it buddy.

Originally Posted by BPTony
I jelq with my finger and thumb forming an “O” and from the base of my penis I slowly pull away from my body. As the one hand reaches the glans I follow with the other hand. I think this is the way most of us do it buddy.

Are you focusing the pressure on the sides? Overhand grip?

Originally Posted by kallea

Are you focusing the pressure on the sides? Overhand grip?

I apply enough pressure for decent blood flow right into the glans, but don’t apply too much pressure that will create pain. Usually penis is semi erect while jelqing.

Same Thing

I’ve had the same thing for years, seems to be linked to a pelvic floor/abdominal muscle because when I pull said muscle from movement (usually tensing abdominal area) I get cold smaller flaccid than normal. No idea what it is, but have recently found that saw palmetto seems to give me warmer fatter flaccid for some reason, so going to keep taking it.

Side note: I’ve been doing PE for over 10 years so not much fazes me but can imagine this being scary. Also I think the first time this happened to me was a sex injury (thrusting VERY hard, (she loved it though) lol.

Originally Posted by kallea

I have been resting a couple of months after been overtraining (Bad EQ) and yesterday I started with PE again.

My plan was to try a very light routine with only 25 jelqs per session (I’m jelqing the sides with a overhand grip at 30% erect). But after just one session I got hard flaccid. My routine was very light (25 slow and light jelqs) so I’m wondering what could be wrong? Anyone got any advice on this? I still getting good erections (not 10/10 though).

I should add that I’m depressed and are very stressful at the moment so i guess it could be one of the causes? I’m eating healthy so i don’t think it has anything to do with my diet.

My pelvic floor feels pretty tense but I’m doing reverse kegels twice a week with no results (no kegels though).

I would really appreciate some advice because I’m starting to wonder if I have some kind of underlying injury? (Sorry for my bad English but it’s not my native language)

Hey man, how is it? I’ve had same problem plus a cold penis.
I fixed it with lots of heat plus firegoat rolls.
That’s my two cents.
Take care


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