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Has anyone actually fixed a curve??


Has anyone actually fixed a curve??

I’ve seen it talked about several times. I’ve read many theories here about what the best method is for curvature correction (pumping in a thinner tube, erect bends, stretching and jelqing against the curve, etc.). It’s all cool and as always I try to read up as much as I can and will continue to do so. It’s not something I obsess about but it does bother me a bit.

Is there anyone here that has actually corrected a curve, at least to some degree? The reason I ask is because I take some time out of my routine to focus on this specifically and I’m wondering if I should just do my routine and not worry about it. I don’t have the type of curve that gets in the way or anything (just a bit to the left), but I’d like to know if it’s there’s anything that can really be done. Maybe I’m just not finding the right threads. When I do searches, I can find plenty of discussion and theory on the topic, but I haven’t found anyone that says “I did [insert method here] and I’ve noticed a difference”.

Basically I’m looking for someone who has perhaps been successful at curvature correction so that I can do what they did, or at least find out what they did so I don’t waste time with ineffective measures.

"...this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to..."

- Maynard James Keenan

I lean a bit to the left as well, but PE definitely reduced the amount of curvature. Quite honestly, I don’t even think it’s proper to call it a curve with me, it’s more like an anomaly with the left CC chamber. I can see where the curve begins, it’s almost as if my CC’s are not quite symmetrical in one area.

As far as techniques are concerned, everyone speaks of “jelqing against the curve”, but I always found it to be quite difficult to actually do. I reckon most of the straightening has been due to just regular jelqing, more likely the strokes near the base/base jelqing. The rest? Likely manual stretching, especially fulcrum stretching to the right side.

Not currently PEing now, I still have a healthy boner of just over 7” BP, but one day…yes, I will have the big 8”. God help me for girth, never really could unlock that one to a great degree.

Next bout of PE (whenever it comes) will be short session jelqing and a very concentrated manual stretch effort to the right. I really think that to modify a curve, it takes an enormous amount of time and tunnel vision effort. IOW, fight the urge to stretch in any direction except the curve correcting direction.

How does your guy’s curve? Mine is like the left side isn’t as thick as the right side so it makes it curve when hard.

Aesop, that’s exactly what I’m speaking of when I mentioned “anomaly”, it’s almost as if that side/chamber didn’t develop properly. I know it may sound silly, but I keep thinking of the type of underwear I wore earlier in life. I’m a boxer dude now for years, but when I went through puberty, it was breifs. Seem to recall (albeit vaguely) always having a comfort side to the cock position. The dick rarely ever scrunches in telescopically like a radio antenna in tight cloths, it usually finds a side to bend toward. Over long years, who knows the effect?

Wonder if that position hampers the development in one of the chambers? Kinda like a deformity from being kinked or crunched for so many years. Makes me wonder if the curved cock is a modern society thing, would more traditional societies where underwear is not present actually exhibit the same frequency or curve?

Oh heck, they probably have loincloth induced curvature or something. So much for a control group.

I reckon that in the end, if you were to do stretches/jelqs straight out all the time, the lesser developed CC would be forced to catch up with the more developed one, because you’d be stretching the lesser one more. The stretches/jelqs against the curve just speed up the process, I think. But I agree with groa that its difficult to jelq against the curve, expecially wet jelqs, because my dick always slides around inside its skin when I do it! :-k

I also agree that curves form partly from the way we lay our little men in our pants. Over time it probably curves that way when erect too, but I also believe it has a great deal to do with which hand we use to masturbate. I use my right hand, but also tend to put some pressure on my penis towards the left with that hand, which I believe has caused it to curve that way more. I think its also what gave me more veins in the right side (but I think that’s directly linked to the curve too - better developed CC). That is why I am now masturbating with my left hand and to the right, as a test to see if I can correct the curve quicker by doing that. I’ll try and remember to keep you posted on it in my progress report next month: Rifor’s Report. That way you’ll know whether or not to bother with the hassle of remembering to use your other hand in furture! :D

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

On the point masturbation I am totally with the Rifor, but for the position of your dick in the pants I have doubts. Sligthcurve I know in what position you are, you can live with your curve, but it is annoying. I was in the same position a year ago. For me it was even more than annoying, it was disturbing (I big time), because I had always nice 100% straight dick. I also know that I got a curve after I start to PE. I am not saying exactly PE caused it, but it was definitely PE correlated. For me I am sure PE with the combination of masturbating (inappropriate holding my tool) cause it. So for you the first thing you have to do is to analyze your curve. What cause it, from when you have the curve, what kind of a curve do you have (maybe just one weaker CC) and so on.

This would be then essential for your routine to straighten it up. My kind of a curve was just a bigger right CC, so my goal was to catch it up with the left CC. And I’ve done it. I am sorry that I don’t have any before and after pics, but it is up to you if you believe it or not. My routine is hard to explain shortly and only from one perspective so you should look at my posts where I had describe it several times. I can not tell that what I have done will work for you, but it has for me. You should think about it and create something that will work for you. There is no one way to rich the goal. Maybe some other way will be better for you.

The last thing I want to say is, you should observe your dick behavior at the morning after your morning wood subsides. This was the main indicator for me, because I remember my dick’s behaviour when I gotten the curve. My flaccid morning position would always go to the left, and then when I was catching up with the left CC would go to the right. This was very important for me, because from this out I could tell what was working for me. But you should not expect this from one day, at least two weeks you should stick on one routine to see some effect.

So that’s it from me and good luck, and don’t forget about Westla’s thought: “Go and train your dick to the right.”

Most of the time a daily 800iu dose(usually two 400iu capsules) of vitamin E will fix the curve in a few weeks to a month or so. I’m surprised nobody mentioned it yet.



What’s wrong with typhoon? C’mon it’s not THAT bad. :)

I thinkhe’s referring to the vitamin E idea. I’ve not heard of that myself either.

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

Nor have I.

WestLA, any ideas on this Vitamin E thing?

I’ve always had a slight curve (not a “bend”) to the left. Unfortunately, if anything, PE has made it a little more pronounced. :(

I’m not convinced about the claims of most PE paysites to “cure Peyronies.” That has something to do with the buildup of plaque on the side the penis curves to - often due to some type of injury or congenital deformity.

And, due to the dangers of erect bends, I would not suggest that anybody attempt to “bend” the curve straight - you could literally end up with a broken penis.

When my unit is flaccid it has a slight curve, and hangs to the right, and when get about half erect, it curves a bit more, but straightens out to almost no curve when fully erect.. Mine bend towards the right, unlike most people I have heard talk about curvature.

A dude I know had a side curve and that’s what the doc told him. He also said that he shouldn’t try more than 1200iu a day as it’s not healthy. But it never got to that, the guy took 800iu/day and was delighted to see his junk straighten out.

It’s funny, after he told me the story, I begain diabolically wondering if there’s any PE program I can think of that involves vitamin E. But I couldn’t find anything on the subject, except that anything 1500iu per day could be risque. So if anyone knows of this, please post.

For me jelquing helped a lot in correcting the slight lean to the left which was caused by my penis’ abnormal growth from one ligament being longer than the other, causing the disproportioned growth. (= used to lean to the left a lot)

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