Getinbig4me, I could tell you exactly what you would need to do to get BIG…. but it’s so simple I guarantee you won’t do it.
Look, if you really want to gain a lot of girth then stay off of Thunders. You don’t need a lot of conflicting information swaying you to drop what could be working or do too much of something because someone told you it worked for them. One can not serve dozens of masters, er masturbaters.
Stick with one thing that’s worked for you in the past for at least 6 months and no matter what DO NOT try to jump from program to program or tack on a bunch of useless exercises of the week. The absolute worst thing you can do for your gains is listen to a so called “expert” and try to copy what would only work for them.
And just in case you’re wondering, this is exactly why I don’t post in thunders as much as I used to. I don’t need to listen to anyone but myself to know what works for me and me alone.
Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11
Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12
Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12