Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Head size


Originally Posted by anna nimity
I beg to differ MDC.

Differ on what? When I said “could be” it should be “always”, or “never”? When I said “a lot of people”, I should have said “everyone”, or “nobody”?

I’m only talking about personal preference of course. Something about a nice swallow head stimulates me to levels where performance isn’t on my mind, it’s the pleasure that allows me to adjust to whatever potential the glans have. I like to suck deeply on glans that are nicely formed and big. And with so much sensitivity centered there, you can pay attention to the shaft and even the sac, but so much more pleasure can be brought with the head alone. At least from my experience. I think it holds true with most women who enjoy glans.(As far as oral treatments goes). Not meaning to seem like I am debating anyone, I just feel very passionate about the topic.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

I think that anna is an example of a head-queen, lol, if that’s possible. I mean I have talked to numerous women about the subject of head size and for the most part they say it doesn’t matter much. They say a thick unit overall (shaft specifically) is what is most important. More than length or anything else. But this is just in my experience. There are head-queens out there though, that’s for sure. I just hope that I don’t end up with one of them because my head is nothing special compared to my shaft. :)

I’ll own up to that name. And by no means do I say the size of the glans is more important the the width of the shaft. I like the best of both worlds. You haven’t lived unless you’ve had both. :D

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Originally Posted by anna nimity
I’ll own up to that name. And by no means do I say the size of the glans is more important the the width of the shaft. I like the best of both worlds. You haven’t lived unless you’ve had both. :D

My wife actually told me the other night that the head was her “favorite part”. I had never expected such, but I suppose there aren’t that many parts to choose from. :D Some women might like balls, or shaft, but there’s really only a few choices anyhow.

Anyway, she says she likes it best because its a) a large bell-shaped head, larger than the shaft proper, and b) silkier skin. Since I’ve been showing growth in PE, she’s given me oral several times (odd enough in itself), but always concentrating on the head because that’s about all that fits for her. She really seems to like it, for whatever reason. She’s been known to just bob up and down on the head when she’s on top during regular intercourse, as well. Some women just dig it, I guess. For her, the large head seems to stimulate both the clitoris and the g-spot - stretches her enough to do both.

Originally Posted by phreakk
Gay guys, like women, love big dicks with big fat juicy heads. I’d go for a mushroom effect man…it’s not what it looks like, personal insult removed, it’s what it feels like! :P

That was dumb. I wasn’t insulting him, I was playfully ribbing him. I think you have a skewed vision of what’s a malicious attack and what’s a simple friendly jab, wrestla…no offense.

I think he has a serious question, so he expects a serious reply. Calling him a name while providing your opinion didn’t seem appropriate. No offense taken. I’m just doing my job and that sometimes involves judgement calls.

Ah…sorry myself then, I thought you were just being arbitrary in your decision to delete that out of my post. I didn’t realize I was truly being offensive. My fault.

Theres a porno movie Ive seen recently where the guy had some of the biggest girth Ive seen, but his head was tiny and his tool looked pretty amusing actually. I dont really know how to not enlarge your head. This is a penis enlargement forum, not a penis reduction one. ^_^


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