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Heating Pad

Heating Pad

Hi, i have a question.

I want to buy a heating pad, but i dont know if its good for humans, espacially for my penis.

The heating pads i have found are designed for animals(reptiles),for example lizards.
You put the pad in their cage and so they feel comfortable.

Now my question:Is this the right heating pad or do you use other heating pads?
My heating pads dont have a regulator.

Is a regulator necessary and what are the technic datas from your heating pads in US

Excuse my english,please.

Here’s a link I borrowed from Bigger’s site:

Looked pretty good last time I checked it out.

If you want a cheaper option the rice sock method seems cost effective.

I’ve found that hot water bottles do a good job.

>Excuse my english,please.
It seems at least as good as mine but I guess thats not saying much :)

Those range between 8-40 W so I don’t know that they would necessarily provide as much heat as you would like. It might be worth emailing the suppliers and asking them the temperature their pads get to. With a thermometer and a standard warm-wrap you could then compare this to a heat you find acceptable.

I didn’t notice any way of varying the temperature.

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