Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hellfire and Fury at my small cock!


RootCap: dude, that was some awesome shit right there. Nothing like exposing your darkside to reveal the dirt and the maggots and the fears that lay crawling within the meatus of what we call “ordinary reality”. Although each of us has unique manias, we all deffinitely have them. And those few, rare, souls who don’t and are always safe, secure and content in their own skins?

Fuck them.



That’s great that you’ve decided to get into PE. I wholeheartedly recommend it! I also advise for you to relax yourself to the situation.

I would classify pre-PE self as slightly insecure about dick size. I used to make some effort to hide my dick’s less than average length from new girlfriends and from the locker room. I had no problems with that when I met my future wife. We had fantastic sex and we had it constantly. Of course, she had more “filling” experiences from previous men, but from what she said and how she acted, it was clear that none were as fulfilling as the ones with me. Your future wife sounds a lot like my wife.

Why did I believe her? She was, and still is, absolutely gorgeous and I would watch her turn away the attention of other men, some of whom looked like they stepped out of a Marlboro ad. Damn! She really liked me and wanted me over all these others! Curiously, this did not make me feel even more insecure — it did the opposite. I felt relaxed and completely comfortable with our relationship and our sex life.

Years later, I would comment to her that I wished for another couple of inches in dick length. She would give the standard, ego-protecting reply that our loving women have in the ready — she wouldn’t change a thing, what we have is special. I think this was mostly the truth in that my dick really was good for her. But… I knew I wanted more.

I wanted her to go nucking futts at the thought of me with a sliding my huge cock into her and filling her completely. I wanted her to grab my thick and heavy flaccid and just marvel at how it meaty it felt as she flopped it back and forth. I wanted her to crave having my massive, steely hard-on in both her hands and in her mouth. Yeah, I wanted to be treated like a piece of meat… a really big piece of meat.

Then, earlier this year, I found thunder’s. Yeeeee-haw! What I thought was the one Great Unequalizer, dick size, was actually malleable and customizable! Astonishing! What a mind job! I launched into PE with great enthusiasm, also vowing not to tell my wife and to let her comment on it herself.

The gains started coming, but no comments from the wife. After a couple of months, I just had to tell her. No doubt she had noticed it took a little more work to fit my dick into her, but she still held back from saying anything. One night, I just whipped it out and told her that I was making “him” bigger. Her reaction was neutral to slightly negative, cautioning me not to hurt myself and that if the gains came at the expense of hardness, then it would not be good for her. She said I did not have to do this for her. I maintained that I was doing it for me. Just know that there may be a moment like that in store for you, grigli.

Now, she did have a point about hardness. This is not the case for everyone here at thunder’s but for me it was an issue early in my PE career. In the first few months of PE, I did have some ED but I think that the exercises were only a minor part of that. ED had been showing up prior to PE due to a repetitive sex routine and my excessive indulgence in porn. My strenuous PE exercises may have also contributed.

I began to relax and take breaks from porn and PE. I also started with some of the dietary supplements recommended by other members here. I began a new and intensive physical training. I also became more intimate and sexual with my wife, letting her know how much she means to me and how gorgeous and desirable she is. ED stopped visiting me and my wife gradually began warming up to sex again. Things were gradually getting better.

Just these last couple of weeks, I restarted PE after a two month break. Thanks to the outrageous gains of aristocane and BG, I began clamping… carefully. [Note: I’ll repeat the caution that this is not a newbie exercise. I may even be a little premature getting into it at seven months.] I’m getting some nice new gains and my wife is starting to show some of that big dick lust. She is even commenting how great “he” is looking these days and spending more quality time gawking, handling, and sucking my larger and stiffer member.

So, grigli, I learned that what my wife and I have is bigger than the biggest dick out there. But, my having a bigger dick can add some new fun to our sex life.

Relax and enjoy your PE journey.

04/05: BP 5-5/8" x 5-5/8"....08/05: BP 6-15/16" x 6".....09/05 - 11/05: Break........11/05: BP 6-7/8" x 6"....01/06: BP 7" x 6-1/8"

3/06: BP 7-1/8" x 6-1/4".....5/06: BP 7-1/4" x 6-1/4".....6/09: 7-3/8" x 6-1/4".......Goal: BP 8-1/2" x 6-1/2" or until I completely fill my wife

Originally Posted by grigli31
Any homemade ADS ideas? I’m thinking of using a bungee cord to a cat collar on my calf.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH gold. Go the other way, tie it to a sweatband around your head!


Good one.

But seriously, my experience with a bungee cord never worked out too well because it would go from too loose when I bent my leg to too tight when I extended it. In other words they have a steep force/elongation curve. Others have suggested a few large rubber bands, or and stretchy ace bandage. You need to experiment.

Horny Bastard

Wonderful dude!

Originally Posted by nyquist

So, grigli, I learned that what my wife and I have is bigger than the biggest dick out there.

Yep, that’s how it is in a good relationship. It goes beyond the physical.


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