Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hello, my name is Dave and I have a problem...


Hello, my name is Dave and I have a problem...

*stands up*
Hello, I’m new to the group, and I’d like to share with you my problem. Yes, I have a SMALL DICK. That’s right, I do not live up to my name, lol

All this time, I’ve been going through life thinking confidently, “size really isn’t an issue.”

… that was until recently, when it was made apparent to me by someone of the opposite sex that this is not the case. It never bothered me much in the past, but all of a sudden I’m self-conscious about my size!

So now, me and my measily 6 inches have decided to search for the holy grail of PE. I measured myself today, and here are my ‘specs’:

Flaccid: 4” length x 3 3/8” circumferance (although at times I’ve seen the thing shrink to damn near nothing!)

Erect: 6” x 4 1/2” (slightly bigger if I measured myself when a horny mofo)

I just started to do some stretching, jelqing, and kegel excercises, and am thinking of buying VP-RX PE pills. I saw some bending excercises, but I’m afraid I might risk a permanently bent dick.
You guys think 8” x 5 1/2” is a reasonable goal? I’m hoping I can reach at least 7 inches by spring break ;) ! What else can I do to maximize the benefits in this small timeframe?

What’d this bitch say???? !!!! Whoa there, man. If a girl, especially one you love, has a problem with 6 inches, the problem lies elsewhere. I’ve said it so MANY times! DO PE FOR THE RIGHT REASONS! Do it for yourself, not because someone of the opposite sex has a problem with your size (thought judging from my standpoint, I can’t assume anything on this person’s behalf, what is your relation to them?). Now, the reason I am doing this is to improve my confidence, and because I think it is appropriate to have confidence in ever bit of myself at this point in life, meaning physically AND mentally. I am also doing it because it gives me something productive to do, and it just feels good to my dick. Now, seriously man, first you have to accept the size you were born with, and be satisfied with it, and THEN move on from there. It’s not easy to make your dick bigger, not a piece of cake, kepeesh?

Want some candy?

Yes Dave, I”m also interested in knowing “what she said / did”? Oh boy I wrote the book on being hurt (see my premature ejaculation story) where I was really hurt!

I think your goal will be easy… I’ve been doing PE for over 6 months now and my gains have been ‘VERY SLOW’.. I have gains but they have been slow… Take it easy and read everything you can, listen to your body and you will see gains… There is a great bunch of guys here that will be glad to help you (me included)…

PE should be your deal done for your reasons, remember it is a long term thing and isn’t flash in the pan..

What happened?


dude you don’t use ‘measily’ and ‘6 inches’ in the same sentence.

ok as far as I can tell either:

1. You’re dating an ex-pornstar who thinks anybody below 8 inches is small.

2. You’re not that good in bed and you just need some moves and staminia. No matter how big you are, it does you no good if you’re a bad lay.

3. She’s a cold heartless bitch.

hey, when I had a 6 incher, I had my girl soaking the sheets every night. You need to watch the opposite sex. Sometimes when she has a problem, she’ll try and pass the blame onto you. Don’t make your dick bigger for someone who’s just making you feel bad.

21 years of age 7.75" length 5.80" girth (10/15) "If I can touch it, I can destroy it. If it's imaginable to some degree I can become it" - Greg Graffin

6X4.5”s if you average out the various credible surveys that puts you at average girth and just over average length.

I would not waste my $ on the VP-RX PE pills. If you must, read the ingredients and buy them separately and wholesale or on-line, you will save a bundle. As far as gaining an inch before spring break: Some guys do gain that fast… and some guys are born with 9 incher’s. I would guess that they have about the same occurrence. I would strongly advise approaching this from a long term perspective.

Welcome to Thunders, take the time and read archives. This is the real deal & you can get a bigger dick.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Whats up Longdingdong you should have told that Chick that your Dick was hiding from her ugly ass face! & then told her that her pussy stunk! Only playing.

You said that your penis Erect is 6” x 4 1/2” is that NBP or BP?

If you think about buying those VP-RX PE pills look on EBAY. You can get them at half the price. I tried them and liked them. The pills by them selves wont make your Dick grow but I feel they do help with recovery.

Stick with the stretching, jelqing, and kegel exercises for now. Save the Bends and other more advanced exercises for later on down the road. Don’t go Balls out right away your Dick wont grow over night.

The most important advice I can give you is be patient Bro.

Re: Hello, my name is Dave and I have a problem...

Originally posted by longdingdong
*stands up*
Hello, I'm new to the group, and I'd like to share with you my problem. Yes, I have a SMALL DICK. That's right, I do not live up to my name, lol

Welcome…picking a name that will apply in the future was what I was all about when I started. I have almost reached that personal goal. I think “growing” into your name is a great way to set a final goal.

Originally posted by longdingdong
All this time, I've been going through life thinking confidently, “size really isn't an issue.”

This atitude will save you from alot of anxiety.

Originally posted by longdingdong
… that was until recently, when it was made apparent to me by someone of the opposite sex that this is not the case. It never bothered me much in the past, but all of a sudden I'm self-conscious about my size!

I think you are in common company here. I think alot of people started PE for this exact reason. I, like others, can’t wait to hear what she said.

Originally posted by longdingdong
So now, me and my measily 6 inches have decided to search for the holy grail of PE.

I started my program very close to your size. I always was told that my cock was big at this “measily” size. I did some very gruelling surveys to try and find the definitive average size and you are almost 1/2” above average length. The media and ignorant lovers tend to make men think a average penis is much larger then it actually is.

Originally posted by longdingdong
I measured myself today, and here are my 'specs':

Flaccid: 4” length x 3 3/8” circumferance (although at times I've seen the thing shrink to damn near nothing!)

Erect: 6” x 4 1/2” (slightly bigger if I measured myself when a horny mofo)

With these measurements you are starting at a much better vantage point then alot of men who start PE.

Originally posted by longdingdong
I just started to do some stretching, jelqing, and kegel excercises, and am thinking of buying VP-RX PE pills. I saw some bending excercises, but I'm afraid I might risk a permanently bent dick.
You guys think 8” x 5 1/2” is a reasonable goal? I'm hoping I can reach at least 7 inches by spring break ;) ! What else can I do to maximize the benefits in this small timeframe?

Your goal is what I consider HUGE. Going back to the survey I did on size 90% of the most impressive erect cocks were at or around the size you want.
I don’t know alot about suppliments so I will leave that to someone else. Keggles, IMO, are one of the most important parts of a pe program. As far as Bends go…stay away from them for now…I would concentrate on a good , solid Jelq and stretch program. The Jelqing will prepare you for future advanced moves and will more than likely bring you close to your girth goal. As far as stretching goes you can start up right into the DLD Blasters. I think your goal can be reached.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

What DLD said!!!!

PE is for you, not for anyone else. You are making the commitment and doing the work. The objective is to build a penis that you are satisfied with. And from my current experience, having an 8” penis is quite satisfying for me. :jumpers:

BTW, you are starting out substantially ahead of my starting point.

I do truly believe that bigger is better!

Alright, so I never had a girl tell me that MY dick is inadequate, but this came from a discussion on the subject with some girls recently. They said things like, “A huge cock can be a turn-on” and mentioned that large size, more girth than length though is desirable & can feel better.

Man, if my girl told me I was too small I would take my dick and slap her around with it. Maxwell, I loved the ‘My dick was hiding from your ugly ass face” comment… that just made my day!

What do you guys think of cock rings? I’m considering getting one for (nearly) all day wear. I have a feeling that may help increase flaccid size not only temporarily but potentially give permanent gains, although this is just an educated guess. Any other devices (like perhaps weights) that I should look into?

You should reach your goal


I too started at 6”, but had 5” girth, so our starting stats are close. After 7 months of PE, I am now 7” x 5.5”. You should reach your goal. How old are you? Sometimes the younger guys seem to reach goals faster. I have been doing basic PE. If any questions feel free to drop me an e-mail.

Yes, I am a younger guy, and I think it may be helping the cause. I reached a huge girth goal a while ago.

Anyway, consider yourself lucky, I started at a lot less than you, and now I’ve been doing it for about 7 months and am happy with the results, though I still have a long ways to go.

Want some candy?


like all the others said here already, do PE for yourself, but with the timeframe you set for yourself I think you’re putting yourself a little under pressure.

Take it easy.

I’ve talked to a lot of girls about the size subject and the most common answer I got was that they liked the idea of more girth rather than length. 6” is pretty adequate, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. As far as girth goes, well, try “The Squeeze” exercise. Worked great for me. But then, again, any guy likes a longer dick…..

Set yourself small goals and then determine the exercises on how to get there. An overall goal is okay but to avoid frustration, try to achieve the smaller ones first. Some supps might help. Also if you’re an avid coffee drinker, reduce it. Or buy decaf. Too much caffeine is a killer for any form of PE.

As far as the cockrings go, well, wearing it all day could be too much for your dick and might result in a negative effect. Wear them during exercises, to restrict bloodflow or when doing girth exercises.

Hope that helps.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Personally I wouldnt get too worried about what that girl said. 6 inches is not small. You really dont need to pay attention to people saying your small(I know its much easier to say). My girl has been with a 10x7 guy and she hated it! Sex is alot more than size.

Right on the money, Doc....

But there are always exceptions to the rule, I think. Some women like a big dick.

I saw a show on TV the other day where a poll actually showed that women are more “fascinated” by a bigger dick than they are with an average size or smaller. So, that brings up a question….

Why are we all here really doing this? To please the women, for our self-esteem or just for ourselves…for the heck of it?

Any ideas?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


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