Thunder's Place

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Help! Groin Pain

Help! Groin Pain

I started adding stretches between the cheeks; after 5 days

I had a severe pulling pain at the top of my penis. I layed down

in the fetal position for about an hour and it went away.

I discontinued pe for 2 weeks. After starting again, I used

easy pulls between the cheeks, but the pain returned again.

I quit pe for 2 months, then started again slowly with btc.

Things went fine for 3 months. Then the pain started again.

Any cures or help of any kind will be helpful.


I don’t think there is a ‘right’ answer to this but I’ll provide some ideas:

Why BTC? What is your LOT? Perhaps low angle stretches aren’t to your benefit, and upper angle stretches should be tried.

It’s good that you stopped when it got painful, but it looks like the only ‘cure’ is to either carry on BTC but with much less intensity or change angle and see whether any other areas complain. Before you do either of those things it might be time for another break; perhaps it will only be a week or so before you can try something new.

Have you ever tried upper angle stretches? If so did you feel any similar sensations to the ones felt after your BTC stretching?

I was going to say, if between the cheeks is giving you pain. Stop them. Pain does not always = longer fatter dick.

It’s better to not see improvements and have it still function then to have an 8 inch dick that doesn’t get hard.

Just my 2 pennies

I had been pe’ing for over a year and had reached a plateau,

so i decided to add a new stretch. I did add an other 1/2 inch.

but the problem is causing me to stop.

I would like to continue pe, but need to fix the groin pain.

It feels like the tunica is trying to pull back in.

The pain radiats from the top of my penis part way up my

stomach. On the right side of my groiin I can feel the cord

pulled tight.

I would like to know if anyone has had this problem and did

they find a cure besides quitting pe.

Obwon, if it hurts…stop!

There are more effective ways to stretch your dick, with limited or no amount of pain, on this board, designed especially if you’re not a 100% accustomed to them but catch on quickly. They all might reduce that pain in your groin you have been experiencing. Hit the search button for V-Stretch,The Squeeze, etc…;)

Moderation is the key.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


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