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Help name Wantsmore's Golf Swing Weight Stretches


Help name Wantsmore's Golf Swing Weight Stretches

Pretty self explanatory. My forum name, ‘wantsmore’ is no thing of beauty for naming the fulcrum stretches I came up with which utilize golf weights. As Thunder has pointed out, “wantsmores” sounds more like a campfire desert than a PE exercise. If you haven’t heard about the stretches, the thread is here.

They’re pretty good stuff in my opinion- cream of the crop manual fulcrums. But heed the warnings and get into them slowly, you could definitely wind up in the injuries forum if you don’t exercise intelligence in doing these.

Anyway, help name them. If you can work my name in there so that it doesn’t sound like campfire food then cool, if not, oh well, let’s just name them something that will stick nicely and be useable.

Rock on.

In honor of ThunderSS, my first entry is to call them “Smores” ;) And yes, I'm kidding.

“Smores, they’ll make her want to put her mouth around it!”

“Tastes great, more filling!”

And etc.etc.etc. ad nauseum.

Last edited by wantsmore : 10-28-2007 at .

Wantsmore fulcrum donuts.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Progressive Fulcrum Stretches

My Measurements | My Favorites

WWF stretch— wantsmore’s weighted fulcrum.

How about keep it simple to the maker? The WSM or WMS stretch. Damn I’m drunk could be effecting the idea makin lol.

Progressive Ring Pulls


Golf swings

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Progressive Fulcrum Stretches

I second this one. It actually describes the exercise.

Progressive fulcrum stretches and Progressive ring pulls are both good….any more?

I was also thinking “O-Bends” in light of how other fulcrums are named….

“ring pulls” is pretty easy on the tongue….

Too bad O-bends is taken, I believe it’s short for Orange Bends. Perhaps O-stretches, then we’ll have A-, V- and O-stretches, all fulcrum type stretches. :)

My Measurements | My Favorites

Wnatsmore’s hole in one stretches. Hehehe!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

What Tiger Would Do. (W.T.W.D.)

Oop! Forgot about “orange bends”. Using a letter so they’d sit in nicely with, “v-stretches” and “a-stretches” was my thinking there. Oh well.

Ring pulls has me so far. Sounds gymnastic.

Versatile fulcrums, you said you can fulcrum it in various directions. Up down all around!

Up down all around.
Pointing to the sky.
Up down all around.
Pointing towards the ground.
Take it to the left.
Take it to the right.
Lift it up.
Put it down.
Now scratch your nuts and repeat after me.
Once again!

Hey can you do helicopters with that invention of yours.
You know what I’m going to do Monday I’m going to buy golf weights.
And do this fulcrum thing of your sounds cool.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Get some kingpole! ;)

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