Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HEY room has anyone ever done this before

HEY room has anyone ever done this before

GET an erection and push it to it touches your leg keep doing it like 20 to 25 times each leg then start jelqing.Well I’ve done it
today and let me say it was bigger than it has ever been.
I only jelq like 10 times and it was already huge.

My flaccid length is 2 and a half inches

erected length 5 and a half inches girth midshaft
not to big I would say 4 and 1/4 inches my main reason
I’m on this board to gain girth.


first, welcome to thunder’s. You’ll get a bigger dick here.

go to the newbie forum and read the faq.

A good starting routine is posted in the newbie forum as well.

You are not greedy for wanting a bigger dick any more than if you wanted to gain 20#. Read, ask, learn, grow. cheers.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


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