Thunder's Place

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Hi, I've been PEing for almost ten months now and my gains are really making me feel

Hi, I've been PEing for almost ten months now and my gains are really making me feel

Hi, I’ve been PEing for almost ten months now and my gains are really making me feel like giving up. They keep going up and down (mostly down) everytime I stop excercising. Ok three questions: First do any of the vets in here ever have the problem of shrinkage after a shower? It seems mine decreases by 2in everytime I finish taking one. Second and this is for people like YGuy who went from 5 to 8. What type of stretching excercises have you done and how have you cemented your gains? Here are the excercises I have done. I used to do more, but now I mainly do stretches and jelqs.

400 jelqs
18 min stretch
200 kegels (used to do more, but I get up to easily so I lessened them)
60 Blasters

Thanks in advance.

You have been at it for ten months, maybe its time you try something more intense like hanging. Yguy was a hanger.


Thats bad news. How commited to PE’ing are you? Do you do a week and then stop for a week or dtake one day off that becomes ten?

How has your program changed over time?

This excessive shrinkage thing is not too normal I think. If its after a session maybe its an indicator that your sessions are too intense.


>Yguy was a hanger.<

No he wasn’t. Check his progress thread, all manual.

I think you have to change your routine.
Consider like you are doing bodybuilding
(it’s not the same, I know…but they have some
common points…I believe)

1/ take some days off , maybe you need that;
2/Try to do before jelq, uli, squeezes…and what else;
after you go for the stretches. Maybe this works better for you.
3/ read a lot here becouse there are a lot of ideas
(like JAI stretches or others)
4/you can consider pumping or hanging, too…
5/Probably you have to work on your way of PE,
Like bodybuilding, it’s no use to do the same each session;
you need to feel that you expand more, that you are
stressing-rebuilding your tissues… and give the time to repair;
6/use arginine-ornitine at night time. It helps.
7/look at all the devices on internet:
maybe you can have some help (an ADS, or others…)
I have gained 1 and 1/4 inch in lenght in two years
but it was fucking difficult…now I am on a little plateau, too
but I look at this guys here, and I think it’s only…to wait
and to be regular.


If I over train I will get some shrinkage for a short period of time. You need to do more I would think forget about counting jelqs and try jelqing for 20 minutes to a half hour and mix it up a little slow and fast throw in some light squeezes. Also you can kegel anytime while driving or watching TV or on the computer.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I’m an idiot who should research more before I post. Thunder (or Thuder if you like melvin’s spelling) set me straight, YGuy did start hanging after a while (thread).


Is your diet well rounded? Do you get any physical exercise, at leats walking/bicykling? Do you sleep well (at night, for max efficiency of healing and recovery)?

What’s your LOT and how do your stretch?

Do you count each jelq rep? Try going more by feel; you probably have the experience by now to know how much work your unit can take. The quality of your work is extremely important; don’t just go through the motions for this or that many reps or minutes.

Reevaluate your current regime. Maybe 6 light days/1 off works for you; maybe 3 hard days/4 off. Many factors come to play, you need to find your optimal schedule.

About post shower shrinkage, try a lazy ass stretch after shower and see if you don’t notice a difference right away. Make a point of doing some light stretching after any kind of groin warmup. Hot ligs shrink up, pullling your willy back in. Keep stretched until cooled off; while brushing your teeth, et.c.

Another lazy ass idea, if you don’t know where to go from here in your PE learning experience: hog some fellas’ favorite folders. Lots of valuable reading in old threads.

Stand up and fight on, soldier!


Originally Posted by memento

Thats bad news. How commited to PE’ing are you? Do you do a week and then stop for a week or dtake one day off that becomes ten?

How has your program changed over time?

This excessive shrinkage thing is not too normal I think. If its after a session maybe its an indicator that your sessions are too intense.


>Yguy was a hanger.<

No he wasn’t. Check his progress thread, all manual.

Well the first time I started PEing I gained an inch then after that nothing (I could swear it’s shrinking) and I do PE almost everyday. It’s only on the weekends I don’t. The longest I don’t PE is about 3 days or should I say the longest I don’t jelq is about three days. The only way my program has changed was because I stop doing kegels (trust gets too 100% if the wind blows) other than that I keep the program I have listed. It looked like it was gaining, but then it stopped. By the way this is flaccid length I’m talking about.

Originally Posted by Philadelph
You have been at it for ten months, maybe its time you try something more intense like hanging. Yguy was a hanger.

This may sound weird. Since I didn’t find anything to make a hangar and don’t like ordering anything I usually take something heavy tie it to a shoelace and try to hang. So far no injuries though.

Not a good idea. If you’re going to hang, might as well do it safely and efficiently. If you’re serious about hanging, you’ll either have to buy one, or make a good one. Theres some instructions on how to make a good hanger in the forum, if you’re interested.

Second and this is for people like YGuy who went from 5 to 8. What type of stretching excercises have you done and how have you cemented your gains?

I’ve done regular manual stretches, V-stretches, fulcrum stretches, and hanging. A combination of basic manual stretches and jelqing intially gave me the best/easiest gains. Unfortunately, the longer you do PE, the harder it becomes to gain. Cementing gains, I hadn’t worried much about, since I was always training with a mind set to make gains, not to cement them. When gains hadn’t came for awhile, I would continue to be consistent with mind set that I was just cementing the old gains, before making some new gains. Along the way of training so consistently, the gains were cemented on their own, especially when done for so long. I didn’t change my routine to cement gains, just continued the previous routine.

Consistency is probably the most important aspect in PE. If you had been doing your current routine consistently and doing the exercises properly for atleast a few months, and hadn’t made further gains, then I would definitely change your routine.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Hm.. 2” Shrinkage after a shower without exercise?
Why would that happen.. Unless you had some injury that gets a lil worse everytime you take a hot (and long) shower by the increased blood pressure?

Anyways sounds like an injury to me.
Shrinkage of this magnitude (almost always?) is a sign for injury.


P.S: Do you PE in the shower? If so, don’t overdo it ;)


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