Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



That is interesting. I just want to know how long it will stay warm. This would be great for the long hauls to classes in the upcoming winter. I could heat it up, put it on, and go to class. As long as it stays warm longer than 10 minutes. It would work great to heat up not only the penis but the testicles too so they will hang lower etc. However, for PE, I don’t see how it could be better than the rice sock. It does not encircle the penis. The sock wraps around the entire penis and I still think is the most awesome thing ever invented for warming up.

So…anyone use it? How long will it stay warm? What is it made of anyway?


Bulging alright

Would get a few looks no doubt if worn under clothing. All I have to do now is get hold of a microwave….


I don’t think it is really that bulky. Besides, here in Chicago in the winter it gets really cold (below zero) so you have big bulky jackets on. By the way I emailed them and asked how long it would stay warm and they said 15-20 minutes.



wow, natural PE is REALLY getting popular if we start
seeing stuff like that on the net. The PE banners are now
everywhere. I guess there’s lots of money in this area now,
and it would be growing.

In six years, if you’d want to “keep up” ,PE would be mandatory :E.


Warm Up

I haven’t heard anyone talk about a sock with rice microwaved. Does anyone use it here. I have been jelqing On and off for about 13 years. And a member for that long. My first post. Thanks Meekie

6 x 5 when started
7.50 x 5.5 know
8 x 6 desired

But just started to get serious again after a couple years off

It’s mentioned all over the place, normally as simply a rice sock. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed in 13 years. Is that dog years or month though? Your join date is showing as March 2014, which is 13-14 months ago.

Welcome to the posting side.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Yesh they are awesome.

You can pick a wheat sack up for about £1:50

Now a day’s. I didn’t gain much when I didn’t use it! Now I use it 30mins before & after my workout.& have gained 2” in length & an inch in girth also.

Great stuff.

I’m surprised that link is still active. Must be a pretty good seller.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Although this particular one might be good for those cold days! & Where I live that’s most days


It would be better if it had a strap to hold it on while naked or wearing boxers.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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My rice socks

I use two rice socks. I made them by putting about three cups of rice (uncooked of course) into each sock, then tie a knot in the top leaving them loose (not packed solid), so they could be spread out to about an inch thick when placed on a flat surface.

I use them while hanging BTC and put the part of it with the knot near my belly button, try to spread/ flatten the rice out, and let the sock with the rice fall over my pubic bone and rest on the Bib hanger. I use one to warm up with before I start hanging. With about 5-7 minutes left in a 20 minute session, and after I have reached my max weight for that session, I remove the rice sock(s) and let the skin and tendons and tunica cool while I finish the set. Then I remove the hangar and use the still warm sock to warm the glands as I soft jelq the glands back to life.

I used to leave the heat on for the entire set, and keep the heat on between sets, but realized I was not letting the tissue cool while under tension. In my mind I was allowing the tissue to contract more when removing the weight at the end of each set if I left the heat on for the entire set. I usually place the sock on my bladder and pubic bone when installing the hangar, then re adjust it once the weight is applied and I lay back.

I do this every set, not only does it seem to help with the elongation/stretch, but it also takes some of the hurt/sting out of it all. The hardest part is getting the temperature just right. I have to microwave them for 50 seconds (your microwave settings will be different, so test accordingly) when starting out, and then adjust the time down to about 35-38 seconds with my microwave after they have been warmed up the first time, between sets. I test them on my nipples, if it is too hot for the nipples, I am not going to put it on my penis.

I hope this helps someone :)

Well as I can see it covers your ball sack which is bad to warm your testicles .search for it ! So think again before you buy it.

Originally Posted by ihavefaith
Well as I can see it covers your ball sack which is bad to warm your testicles .search for it ! So think again before you buy it.

Well, it is good for birth control and it is temporary. Stop the heat and the little guys come swimming back.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


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