Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Honesty when posting personal details


Honesty when posting personal details

When I post here I’m concerned about about keeping my identity a secret. I like reading here and I also like joining in the discussions. Unfortunately, I’m paronoid enough to wonder that from all the posts I make that someone that knows me will hppen to be here, maybe even only happened to stumble onto here while surfing the internet, and will somehow figure out who I am. It can be a small world at times and therefore I worry somehow someway word gets around among people I’m around in my everyday life. I open up here and tell some things about myself that I can’t talk about with just anybody.

So when I talk about past events in my life I at times alter a little detail here or there— only some little unimportant part to throw someone who might know me off the scent. For instance, when speaking of a past experience of mine, I might say I was at a store when I was at work. I might say a past girlfriend when it’s actually a past wife. 99% of what I say to you guys is accurate,the important details are not changed, yet it bothers me a bit to alter anything even if I
consider it actually unimportant to the discussion. I’m only trying to protect my paronoid self.

Important things like my penis size measurements; experiences with women I’ve been around are left 100% intact. Am I the only one here who has altered a minor detail at times? The way I see it is that at least I’m not a bullshitter that comes along and lies about his penis size and results to the good folks here like is a problem here from time to time.

I know what you mean. I sometimes think that if I ever told anyone about pe and they found this site, they’d be able to guess who I am. I also worry a little that if my wife was to find this site from my browser, she could search my username and come across personal situations that I’ve never even told her.

There’s also the concept that in a few years time, if I tell my son about pe, that he could find out a lot more about me than he needs to know.

Anyone finding out about my measurements is not important. Although I was small, I’m now bigger, and that’s an achievement I’m proud of. If someone recognizes me on this site in a few years time, I should have a huge cock that’ll leave them in awe :)

Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
I know what you mean. I sometimes think that if I ever told anyone about pe and they found this site, they'd be able to guess who I am. I also worry a little that if my wife was to find this site from my browser, she could search my username and come across personal situations that I've never even told her.

Click on “Log Out” before you leave the forum.

I used to worry about the FBI finding out who I was from this forum. Then I realised, if they have that much time on their hands….

I’ve thought about that a lot. My answer is to not reveal too many specific details. Everyone has similar issues in relation to experiences with women, penis size, etc.. so you could be anyone. Just don’t be too specific or post pictures of your face and you should remain anonymous enough.

In regards to being embarrassed about being spotted on a PE forum, just think of it as being seen at the adult video store; the person who sees you here is also here.

I don’t really have the privacy issues you guys do, so this is not really my area. I will say I made a decision a few years back to just live my entire life on my shirt-sleeve, and it has never bit me in the ass. Of course, it might be a lot easier for me to do such a thing, but I would like to ask why you feel that any of this “getting out” would be such a big problem? Would people think less of you for working out your penis? Are any of your posts malicious attempts to undermine others? Are you afraid of ribbing at work or at home?

I will say that everyone that I have told about my PE, and everyone who has found out from others, has been more interested than anything else. Sure, a few tease a bit at first - usually to hide their own interest. I have gotten no more shit from others about PE than from my PTSD therapy. Girls want to see the results as much as the process, guys want to know if it really works. I have had more than a few free beers due to honest discussions about PE, and made a couple of interesting friends too. It has also gotten me laid a few times. So I really don’t understand the hush, hush. I would love, however, to get some idea about why this is an issue for others here, as the topic interests me.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts


In my case, it’s not about being embarrassed by being seen here as much as controlling how much time I devote to the topic. I’d rather keep my PE conversations online where I can control how much attention is devoted to it. I’m afraid PE would demand too much unwanted discussion in my real life if I started talking to friends and strangers about it.

I’m a young buck trying to establish myself in a few other areas that require much of my attention. My addicting personality makes it tough to get offline and work on other things as it is. I really like your outlook on life and hope one day I can be in a similar situation where that lifestyle is an option for me. But for now, my priorities are in line and I don’t want to fuck it up.


That strikes me as perfectly logical, reasonable and even commendable. A reason I can wrap what remains of my mind around and understand. Perhaps the others reasons are simple and straightforward as well? I like gaining new perspectives. Since I have no moccasins of my own, it pleases me a great deal to walk in others now and again…

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Beenthere, I completely understand your concern. I am generally a very honest guy. I dont like to lie because I dont like to have to remember my lies. I am what I consider “a straight shooter” but when it comes to the PE thing I have only told one other guy and we dont talk about it and have not even told my wife yet (that’ll be this week). I worry about my anonymity, my standing amongst my piers, my kids school. etc. Probably unnecessary worrying but I still do it too. Good advice about the picture thing. The only thing that gives away my location is that I live in the same place as PirateSteve.

Steve31 — that’s not your real picture ? just kidding.

PirateSteve — From day one I have admired your straightforward approach, not only on the advice you give here but also how you describe the way you live. On a boat, retired, swinger lifestyle pretty cool stuff and great stories. The pineapple juice making your cum taste like candy was a great tip except that now my wife makes regular trips to the grocery store to bring it to a “sick” friend. Your pretty sick is it you, thats all I want to know? Just kidding.

I summarize, I guess I am pretty paranoid. I won’t post a picture (although I admire the guys who do). I wont use my name. I worry about my career, kids school and even my neighbors. What the fuck, maybe I’m the sick one.

Good luck

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

While one might rightly suspect that any local shortage of pineapples is due to me, rest assured I do not pee in other men’s pools. Having been devastated by this personally once I have decided I do not like this kind of woman at all. Indeed, if I find a girl I am with has been lying to me and is spoken for, I will send an anonymous letter with a full apology, confession and nudie pictures to the poor cuckold so he can win in divorce court. Damn cheating bitches piss me off. Oops, so no, no one is bringing me pineapples right now 678.

And while I can’t personally imagine what bad things would befall you should news get out that you are, gasp, a practicer of PE - I respect your concerns that bad things will happen. But despite your post, I still am not quite sure what you think will happen if the truth got out. I just can’t, for the life of me, imagine anything horrible coming from such a disclosure. I know I live completely outside of the real world, I am trying right now to get a feel for it so I can better understand everyone else…

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

This is such an individual matter that you will never get a reliable consensus. But if it helps you understand I offer you a go around in my moccasins:
When I was younger I was a living breathing “Idon’tgiveashitifIliveordieandfuckyouforyourconce rn” mass of energy.
Have I mellowed? You bet. Why have I mellowed? Because it is no longer just about me. There are other people I have to consider when I make a move.
About two months ago I was in a bar with friends and unknowingly offended the very ugly girlfriend of a very stupid guy. To make a long story short, at one point in the evening I received a shove from this genius. It came as a total surprise as I was unaware that I was marked. Now, in my “Idon’tgiveashitifIliveordieandfuckyouforyourconce rn” days I would have hurt this chump. I don’t say this with macho bravado because I’m a tough guy, I say it because I spent a fair amount of time in my day inhaling leather while working very hard for three minutes and resting for one. It was immediately evident that my new friend hadn’t - judging by the way he brilliantly dropped his mitts and left as his only defense a loud flurry of unseemly propositions involving his penis and my dear mothers rectum.
The earlier “Idon’tgiveashitifIliveordieandfuckyouforyourconce rn” version of Cap would’ve had a hard time recognizing the man who instead of impulsively blistering this poor slobs face with a response, held his hands out palms up and gently talked the monkey down from his tree.
Just as I knew I would, I suffered for my “mature” approach. I suffered, not from the shove, but from my idiot “friends” who after asking if I needed a hug began to offer $100 bills to nearby patrons if they’d “help a man find his lost balls”. Hey, all in fun and laughs were had. And I’m happy to report that even the genius monkey-boy saw the error of his ways and apologised to me as I was leaving the joint for home.
So what stopped me from doing the easy thing and throwing hands? As I said, it is no longer just about me. There are other people I have to consider with every move I make. I would have LOVED to stomp the guts out of the monkey-boy just as I would love to reveal myself here and post pics of my newly enlarged cock.
But my life is no longer just about me and my wants. Hell, I hardly express my thoughts on everything from politics to hot fat asses anymore. Because that is the world I find myself in now. The things I do and the choices I make affect my wife, my kids, and a host of others. And I’d rather not risk handcuffs and lawsuits over a shove, nor do I see much upside to everyone in my social circle knowing I wrap Velcro around my cock everyday and keep company with a pineapple eating pirate.
Though, some people are becoming suspicious about my sudden fondness for speaking “pirate” and telling really long parrot jokes. ;)


How the hell is your finger?


I don’t really get the whole privacy thing, I’m always honest about my personal details. I have quite a lot of time to surf and post on the forums, because I have a team of experienced people to help run Microsoft with me. So as I sit at my office, well, it’s a whole floor but let’s not get picky, looking out at the view, I don’t really see a problem.



Your honesty got me to thinking and I ask myself: What’s the big deal? It’s not as if the world would end if I revealed myself here at Thunder’s Place. And to be honest I’m growing tired of playing second fiddle to “the big guy” everyday. I’ve done as much if not more to promote the cause and advance our agenda than he has - and to be honest, I’ve come to believe he has been more lucky in his success than anything else.

I’ve never told you guys this but I have a pretty serious heart condition. I admit the ol’ ticker has been bitching at me lately. But being a heart-beat away from the top spot means a lot more than focusing on my own personal concerns - it means I have to look at life from a responsible perch. And revealing myself here would be a step in that direction. I owe it to you guys and above all else I owe it to myself.

Thanks Bill


I thought it might just be my take on things so that is why I used the word paronoid. It’s not just about doing PE exercises and wanting to keep that private, it’s this way in other areas of my life. I found out a long time ago just how two faced a person can be when things about the dysfunctional family I grew up in were blabbed by someone I trusted. So I play it safer now in life all the way around.

I’ve opened up here at Thunder’s much more than I would have thought I would. I also in the past flown by the seat of my pants to some degree, it is my real nature, and so I am willing to talk here and if I get discovered then so be it. I won’t think of it as the end of the world but just wonder what might occur unforeseen.

Borrowing the Las Vegas saying —-I prefer for what is revealed at Thunder’s to stay at Thunder’s.

I don’t care one way or the other if others find out Im here— the way I see it—there is nothing to hide. Sure… its daring to post your face shot and reveal details about your life but thats what gives life excitement and a bit of spice. We only live once you know! :) if anything at all— its something to be proud of-especially if you have achieved significant results from being here or even if you are working your way towards there.

Think of it this way…
The next time some guy says —

“Man I wish I had a bigger dick, gee, wouldn’t it be great if people could actually grow their dicks in some way— like the way people go to the gym to grow and improve their bodies. Hmmm they might figure that shit out someday in the future.”


You can silently smile to yourself and take pride in knowing you lead a secret life that keeps you one step ahead of all the wishers and dreamers when it comes to wanting and getting a bigger penis because you are a do’er and not a dreamer or wisher.


You had the courage to try something unusual and set your skepticism aside for a time and were well rewarded for it. Just remember that they are they are not here and they are still wishing and dreaming because you were resourceful enough to find Thunders. Perhaps they are even laughing and smirking as they hear about the Pump or hanging weights or manual exercises. They smirk,wish and dream while you grow your penis each day with a smirk of your own and be proud that you are here. If they should discover by browsing one day that you are here—its something to be proud of especially if you can whip it out and slap them off their feet with it with just one swift movement and knock some sense into them. :chuckle: and they will say huhhhh! Dammmm what the hell was that! OMG I have seen the light!!! :)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 12-02-2003 at .

OK, I am such a maroon. SS4 and Cap lost me back there. What were you guys talking about? And Cap, is your ticker really acting up? I can’t tell if you are kidding, or are serious. Being a Pirate of very little brain, I just don’t follow at all.

Now Cap, I do think I understand what you are saying about keeping secrecy. If I am getting that part, I think you are saying it is not for yourself, but to protect your loved ones from any possible fall out. It did occur to me after reading your post how kids at school might tease some kid unmercifully about their dad, the penis guy. So what you are saying make perfect sense to me, and I assume it is a similar predicament for others who are parents (like 678 for instance). Again, I concede that the honorable choice for others could easily be to keep silent. These are exactly the kind of things I am trying to understand here.

And Super and Beenthere, I surely see and respect your positions - we are in similar boats I believe. What is slowly starting to seep into my foggy brain is a thought. Are most of those concerned with the privacy aspect family men? This would make a great deal of sense based on what I gleaned from Cap. Am I risking something bad for my 16 year old daughter by being so forthcoming? Now I am beginning to have other thoughts, and I don’t like them.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

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