Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How about Jelqing for an hour?


So how about, for example, three 20 min sessions spread out through the day? Or would this mean that the penis would get too little time to heal?

There is a guy from another forum who suggested 4-6 routines per day, only lasting for around 10 minutes 5 days per week. The purpose of this being to ‘make’ your penis grow. He said that by doing this after each routine your penis immediately begins the healing process and begins repairing itself quickly as it knows it will be taking another beating in a few hours.
Not much detail there I know, but you get the general idea.

Whether it works or not I don’t know, a few people are trying it out.

I had the complete opposite experience. My jelqing sessions, once my penis was conditioned after six weeks, lasted from one to two hours with no break, once a day, every day, for two more months. I started in October and jelqed non-stop until December when I added the stretching routines. I gained almost an inch the first month, nothing the second, and then when I added the stretches, I gained another (almost) two inches. I’m convinced the heavy duty jelqing early on did the trick. Many members, when they reach a plateau, go back to the jelq.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I know what you mean, Horsehung.

When I very first started PE, all I done was wet jelqing 20-25 minutes per day on a 5 on 2 off schedule. I continued this for around 3 months and then I switched to a M-W-F schedule for about another 2 months of just 20-25 minutes of wet jelqs. Of course I upped the intensity as time went by.

But, I have never had any kind of injury in all my time PE’ing and I believe that is why. Now I do intense jelqs sessions (Now combined in with a routine). But my routine now, still focuses on intense wet jelqs with Mega Jelqs and Double-Handed Jelqs included throughout this period.

That is why I believe I have never had any injury and am now capable of doing long periods of intense jelqing. But hey, there is always a first. I know it will come sometime (Probably!) :)


Where would I be without PE?

Well, after a while, if the penis is conditioned, you obviously have to increase the intensity, or the length of the session.. But I figure you can only go so intense without causing damage, so after that point, the only way I see to gain is to take a deconditioning break, or increase the length of the jelqing, cause you don’t want to jelq to hard.

I’m speaking only about my own experience, but I find it hard to believe you can jelq too hard, especially at 30% to 50% erection levels. Obviously if you have a fullblown, (or near fullblown erection), then you are asking for trouble if you jelq too hard. Several members have attested to this.
But as always, you have to listen to your own body, (prick, in this case), and act accordingly.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


What amazes me about this thread is A. Who has the time to do more than 40+ mins of jelqing and B. Who in the world has the stamina and hand strength to do more than 40 mins of jelqing. After 15mins of manual stretches and 10 mins of jelqing my hands are dead tired, there is no way I can go on to do another 10 mins or so of jelqs. Is anyone with me on this? Do people on this board have superman hands or am I just weak?

The longest jelqing session I’ve done lasted Mummy Returns + extras.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Originally Posted by Xristo
Do people on this board have superman hands or am I just weak?

Yes, we do. :)

Forearm strength my friend, work on that and keep on jelqing as that will strengthen your forearms too.


Where would I be without PE?

Originally Posted by Xristo
Do people on this board have superman hands or am I just weak?

What helps me with this is to jelq in 5 minute intervals and then take a 20-30 second break to shake out my hands and make lube adjustments. This little break really helps me to keep going and going…

I hear you Xristo, I do what I have time for and go with that. That’s why I like the home-made stretcher, I can wear it while working or doing things around the house, but as for jelqing and hanging, I do when I get a window of time.


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