Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How Big Am I Really ?


Your dick is 7 or 8 inches. This is enough of an explanation for most (or at least those that aren’t obsessed). If you are worried about women’s perceptions, realize that:

1) they usually qualitative and think in terms of “too small”, “normal”, “big” and “too big.”

2) Each woman will have a different experience and perception. For example on one recent occasion I was dating a woman whose last boyfriend was over 10 inches. (I know him and it is legit). She told me I was kind of average and I am now nearly 8 inches hard. On another occasion I had sex with a woman who had only one previou partner - her husband of 18 years. He was only around 4 inches, so I was Godzilla.

Use the numbers for tracking your own progress, but throw them out the door when you drop your pants in front of your lady friends. Or bring the tape measure and let them measure. I will gaurantee you will be harder than ever during this process.

10 legit? GOD how am I ever going to be the biggest lover my lovers’ ever had! :D

Do not frett, most gals will recommend the dude for the next bachelorette party and not their bedroom.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

I have pretty much the same problem. Mine ranges form 6.25-7.1 depending on the day, which is why I always keep a viagra on hand. Right before sex I pop 25mg and i’m guaranteed 7.1.

Hey guys,

Well, I think I’m gonna go with the shortest measurement I could get because it’s the most promising and it’s the one that wouldn’t put me down under any possible circumstances.

I will work on enhancing my erection too. There are many products that I can try before giving viagra a shot including exersices such as the one Shilow suggested, ” cycling”.

I were bothered because for a couple of days or so I really believed I were 8” and felt kinda long but later on I noticed the difference in size so I got kinda frustrated. But I’m definitely gonna work hard and will try to understand it better next time to reach my final goal.

Thanks to all of you guys for the great replies. They were very helpful :)

Current: 8+ x 5.5

soon to be nine.


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