For me well endowed would be 8.25 NBPEL and 6.5 girth. I will likely never achieve these numbers. If PE is real and actually works for me, maybe one day I might have that girth, since I’m already 6 inches. My NBPEL varies a lot. If I lost a ton of body fat, I wonder if I could lose .25/.50 off the pad and gain a bit of size there. Inside the pump my penis is about 7.75. I think with a better and stronger pump, it could possibly get bigger, and with added heat and doing it for a long time maybe.But as of now, I don’t think being well endowed enough to the point where I would no longer be threatened by another man, or wonder if I had a bigger dick, would my girl enjoy it better, is possible. I could have 8.25 but there could be a guy out there with 10 or 11. I’d wonder would my girl be more turned on, enjoy sex with me more once she’s warmed up? Who knows.
I’ve not measured 7 inches NBPEL yet. My BPEL is 7.5, which to be completely fair is larger than I’d ever previously measured, so the pump certainly awoke something, also, Cialis helps. I’m gonna give it to the big C and amazing bloodflow as to why I’ve measured larger. Still, my dick looks small to me. Even in pictures I took with the pump, where I’m 1/4 inch away from 8 inches, it still doesn’t look impressive to me.
We’re around the same. I’m 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch short of 8 inches, and I’m obsessed with closing the gap to hit the magic 8. But I wonder if I’m just number-obsessed, if I’m more about hitting a solid number, not a fraction. If I was 8, would I want to be 8.25? Not sure.