Thunder's Place

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How Come Inches Instead Of Centimeters?


Just checked out the National Encyclopedia (Swedish) - apperently in november 1793, after the french revolution, the new republic changed their calendar, called the revolutionary calendar. 12 months, 30 days each month with 5/6 extra days per year. Each month was 3 weeks, 10 days per week (apparently this made it impopular) called firstday, secondday, thirdday etc. The months were grouped in 4 quarters, for the 4 seasons. Each day was subdivided in 10 hours with 100 minutes each.

Apperently, the calendar was not followed for very long as the church did not follow it, and Napoleon restored the old calendar in 1806.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
When you break it down to sixteenths it is pretty accurate. Eight inches just sounds a lot bigger than twenty centimeters.

I think 20 centimeters sounds bigger than 8 inches, but maybe that’s because I’ve been using the metric system all my life. :p

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by seyz
Because in real life when people talk about it, nobody says “I’m packin 20 centimeters”

There is the answer.

What I find funny here, is not the measuring system used, but the absurd level of precision some of you wankers use.

I have seen things like “BPEL 6.549 MEG 5.137”

This cracks me up. Your measuring your cahk, not a machined stainless steel rod. Anything more than 1 digit to the right of the decimal point is assuming a level of precision you can’t possibly know. I suspect than when I see such a ridiculous claim it is because someone punched a metric measurement into their computer and it spit out a standard calculation to that level of precision.

This probably doesn’t bother your average poster, but we engineer types are annoyed by it. I can see maybe going to the hundredth place if you want to say your dick is 6 3/4 and you list it as 6.75. But please, don’t put 6.73 or worse yet, 6.739.

One more interesting fact.

Apparently, the US was on the verge of going to the metric system in the early 20th century, as it is indisputable that it is a far superior system and the euros were all jumping on board at that time. Unfortunately, those silly euros decided to have themselves a ridiculous little war, which we eventually got dragged into. Anti-euro sentiments back here in the colonies became so strong that Americans decided that they didn’t want any part of that stupid euro way of measuring your dick.. Or anything else, for that matter.

Originally Posted by mypseudonym
Wouldn’t using centimeters be more accurate due to less extrapolating and a closer exact measurement? Most people on this forum measure in inches, which I have also done up to this point, but why would we do that knowing that there is a more accurate way to measure typically just on the other side of the ruler? It may be a little anal, but I am going to measure in cm from now on because following progress is part of the fun. So why not be as accurate as possible?


‘MERICA……That’s why.

Why would cm be more accurate? Inch rulers have 16th’s

This account is another iteration of the previously banned deadwood187 (see his previous end). He delights in trolling this board for some reason.

Originally Posted by Krowax
I think 20 centimeters sounds bigger than 8 inches, but maybe that’s because I’ve been using the metric system all my life. :p

I am in a metric system country and no one outside govt. agencies use metric.When you are asked how tall are you , we answer 6 feet whatever. In regular talk no one uses metric and until USA is on board, no one in my country will. If you told me you were 180 cm tall or 65 kg. I would be clueless to what you are,

I hate metric system. Useless.

This account is another iteration of the previously banned deadwood187 (see his previous end). He delights in trolling this board for some reason.

Originally Posted by sven217
I am in a metric system country and no one outside govt. Agencies use metric. When you are asked how tall arecover answer 6 feet whatever. In regular talk no one uses metric and until USA is on board, no one in my country will. If you told me you were 180 cm tall or 65 kg. I would be clueless to what you are,

I hate metric system. Useless.

Strange position, by the way I think everyone should use the system that knows. There is no point in become crazy on making conversions , use a calculator and that’s all.


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