How do you do PC exercises: Method A or Method B?
Hi friends,
I have been PE-ing since just about four months now and part of my daily routine includes doing 180 kegels, that is, contracting my PC muscle 180 times total.
Until two weeks ago I was doing them using METHOD A:
I would stand up straight and start contracting the muscle, my penis being fully erect so that the muscle has got something to “lift”. I gather that this is the standard way to do kegels.
For the past tow weeks I have been using METHOD B:
Again, I would stand up straight and start contracting the muscle. However, this time I would place a hand over my erect penis so that with every contraction the muscle has to work harder as it “pushes” the penis against my hand. All the while I don’t move my hand.
Now, I thought that both methods would exercise the PC muscle in just about the same fashion, yet here is what I noticed (and why I am posting this):
Let’s say that there’s about 2 inches in between my anus and the lower end of my penis. Placing my finger on my PC muscle while doing the exercises using METHOD A, I noticed that I was exercising the muscle in a part exactly halfway in between my anus and the lower end of my penis.
However, using METHOD B, where I basically push the penis down, I noticed that I am exercising the PC muscle at exactly the place where it connects to the lower end of my penis.
Now, have you ever kegeled using METHOD B before? If not, could you just do the exercise both ways the next time you do it, as kind of an experiment? Do you have a similar experience?
I am now wondering whether there are any positive or negative long-term effects with exercising the front part of this muscle (METHOD B) instead of the middle part (METHOD A).
Thanks for your input, guys, any comments are appreciated.