Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How do you guys clean your cocks


Dont use ‘imperial leather’ brand soap on your dick, i have used it a couple of times and it stings like hell and i couldn’t urinate without pain for the whole day.

Yeahhhh, I would also recommend against Lava brand and/or Fast Orange. That’ll rip your penis up pretty bad.

I think I know what smell you’re referring to. Sort of like a dead skin/mild burning hair smell? It’s very…organic but it’s not pleasant at all. I just use a LOT of Neutrogena unscented hand cream. Yeah, it’s expensive at five bucks a 2 oz tube…but I find it to be worth every penny. Good luck!


Well first you get some rice paperand wrap around your cock so it melts in the girl’s mouth, then you put some hard candy at the tip of the head so she moves her tongue around as if it was a lollipop, thus cleaning out your dick.

Just Kidding ^^ but that’s some foreplay eh…

I use vaseline too, so I know the smell when remnants stick around and combine with seminal fluids. Water with soap when needed should usually do the job

At the risk of sounding like a total tart here I wouldn’t put soap near my cock…..dries out the skin too much and I want to keep that fucker as sensitive a possible!

I always use shower gel with some added moisturiser and wash twice making sure to go around and underneath the ridges.

When I’m out of the shower I pat the head dry before letting the skin cover it.

Works for me.

I just use soap a wash-cloth and water. I thoroughly go over the area making sure everything is squeaky clean. After I get out of the shower, I apply a moisturizer (Aveeno body lotion is pretty good or cocoa butter with a bit of vaseline) to keep the unit soft and moist. I’ve found that washing without a wash-cloth isn’t nearly as effective as using one.

I don’t have a problem with cock odor. Of course if I go more than one day without washing, it’s a different matter.


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