Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How flexible are your erections?


My dick is like a pole in concrete. When erect I can pick up station wagons with it!

Mi penis is the anchor of my yatch, where I am right now.

When I am fully hard it is not flexible at all, totally rock solid.

It won’t go down very far at all if I try to push it.

Is this a sign of good blood flow?

Hmmm. I may have exaggerated a little, I tried again & I can’t make it COMPLETELY face the floor, but it’s still quite flexible. And yeah, it’s always been like this, but then again I never had 100% erections until a few years ago. I would much rather a more rigid one, but then again I’ve seen some guys in porn able to move their erections around a fair bit. So I guess there’s no point beating msyelf up over it, seems a normal enough variation.


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