Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How I gained 1 inch 60 days (thanks Tom Hubbard and Home Depot!)

Originally Posted by quim92
Hi man, you routine looks interesting to me, however I don’t really get how you jelq with the PVC pipe, what function does it have? Thanks man. Hopefully you can get back to me witha PM. Cheers

Think of two pie crust rollers. Though mine don’t move, hence the lube. You don’t get pressure around the circumference of the shaft but I get more blood flow when flaccid.

@Tom, I am aware of the risks, but I don’t squeeze too hard nor go too far!

Originally Posted by quim92

Hi man, you routine looks interesting to me, however I don’t really get how you jelq with the PVC pipe, what function does it have? Thanks man. Hopefully you can get back to me witha PM. Cheers

The PVC pipe squeeze has no inherent regulation of pressure…meaning you can–ouch–over do it. My 3-Step Penis Workout avoids the inherent damgers of jelq sticks and those fucking PVC pipes I once recommended.

Here’s an alternative that gets over the problem of hard pipes:

Homemade Power Jelq, a Jelq Device

It does have another problem though and that is that canning tongs are potentially capable of creating a very nasty injury if they fail. So close monitoring and a willingness to replace the tongs early is a must.

You could mix the two ideas together though. Use a smaller diameter stick, like a thick rock drumstick (something that won’t break under the pressures involved and even if it did would be protected) and push this into some foam tubing. With the right size stick and a short length of foam tubing, it may even rotate enough to lessen the need for lube.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks for the answers. From my humble low experience it seems that hands seem to be more effective than the power jelq.

Still, it’d be great to see a picture about the PVC technique, I don’t fully get the idea. Thank you

Originally Posted by quim92

Thanks for the answers. From my humble low experience it seems that hands seem to be more effective than the power jelq.

Still, it’d be great to see a picture about the PVC technique, I don’t fully get the idea. Thank you

You can see a lot of my old stuff at Tom Hubbard archives.

That's amazing

1st off, 1” in 60 days is amazing. But your ingenuity is equally amazing. I guess I’m headed off to Home Depot.

Homemade Power Jelq Instructions

Okay, so after reading a few posts and I did a search, I found the link that has detailed instructions on how to build a power jelq using jar tongs. My assumption is that after taking out the pieces that grip the jars, you can find some small PVC pipe like described in the original post slip them in, and now you have a dry jelq roller. Not sure what the smallest sized PVC pipe is though.

Homemade Power Jelq, a Jelq Device

Try this to make using it vertically a bit easier. Make it using the dowels then put rubber bands on both ends and put your penis in the middle and adjust the bands until you get the desired squeeze strength , then roll it , open it back to bring it back to the start point and repeat. Quite simple. I just made it this way and its working great. I think I’m going to start doing this. Aslong as the dowels fit the pvc , within reason , the size of the pvc doesn’t matter much.

Your hands will work better than any device IMO.

Thanks guys, Now I can put those canning jar tongs to a new purpose.

Hey there. Would anyone send me a link to buy one of those ?

It has been two month I do manuals and I dont get the grip of jelqing. If is not expensive I will give it a try :)


It cost me like 4 bucks at home depot. I did it for the first time yesterday , 130 jelqs , when i was done i had a great pump with amazing vascularity i haven’t gotten with any hand exercise.

In my last post, I found the jar tongs. But instead of using PVC pipe that goes over the gripping part of the tong, I decided I’m going to take the middle pieces out and replace them with wooden or plastic dowels. In all, should cost less than $10 or at $10. If I drill holes on each end of the dowels, I’ll get it to role.. Achieving the affect the original poster described.

BPEL Start: 5 15/16". BPEL Current: 7 1/4". Short Term BPEL Goal: 7 1/2". Long Term BPEL 8"

BEELIT Start: 6", BPELIT Current: 6.1/4"

EG Start: 5". EG Current: 5 1/8". Short Term EG Goal: 5.25". Long Term EG: 6

What are you guys’ routines like with power jelqing? I have been noticing great EQ and pump the day after a rest day. Might switch to a two on, one off type scheme.

Originally Posted by jasonpage
First time ever posting but I just had to share this. I started studying all this PE astuff year ago but never really did anything for more than a few days. I guess I was just lazy..

Then, I read Tom Hubbards site about “Jelq Sticks” a couple months ago and for some reason got totally motivated. It just made sense and really clicked for me (the concept that is).

So, I ran down to HOME DEPOT and got two pieces of 7/8” PVC pipe 14” long. It works perfect since your fingers fit the the holes and unlike the power jelqer it stays close to your body.

My routine was ridiculously simple. I’d warm up in the shower with hot water (using the shower type massager to replace the hot wrap) and then would do some light stretching for just a few minutes. Then, I’d just jelq with the PVC PIPE. I started out with 100 jelqs than worked up to about 600 over a 2 week period. I would alternate during the workout by doing them “down” then “straight out” and then “up”. For a warm down I’d just do more hot water with the massager followed by light stretching for a few minutes. That’s it! I’d do this once a day and now and then twice a day but I would take every other day off.

The first thing I noticed was the incredible “pump” compared to hand jelqing. Also, for some reason I would get incredible kegel contractions as well. (NOTE: I would also do about 500 to 700 kegel contractions a day in the car only on workout days.).


Odd as it may seem, I never had a penis size complex “UNTIL” I started doing this! I had some girlfriends that would comment over and on my cock being BIG and others would make no comment. I just figured I was “Average”. I still don’t no where I really stand even today?

When I started I was 6.5L x 6.0G (BPEL).

I knew this was working but I vowed NOT to measure until I really “felt” a difference. 2 months later I measured I nearly fell over!

I was 7.5L (BPEL)

(I have not measured girth)

I couldn’t believe it. Thank you Tom Hubbard and thank you Home Depot. You think we these kind of results I would be totally motivated to go for my goal of 8.0? However, I’m waiting for someone to make the “next evolution” of jelq pipes. You see, I think a lot of my results came from the fact that I was very motivated about the technique/device. Now, I’m kind of tired of it.
I’m tired of the PVC pipe not having the ability to roll. This requires a lot of lube and even then you feel the PVC pipe (lubed) sliding across your cock. While I’v gained a whole inch in only 60 days. I have a vein on the top of my cock now that goes from the base to the middle that wasn’t there before. I know some guys (and gals) like veins but I don’t.

Besides, this device would work even BETTER if you could use it dry and simply have rollers. I know this (and you can too) by oiling up my fingers where they insert into the 7/8” PVC and jelqing dry which causes the PVY to “ROLL” across your cock. You can feel it working BETTER on a whole other level. The problem is that this way it’s very haphazard and doesn’t work right. I’m predicting that if we can design jelq pipes with nice rollers that can be used dry (or close to) we’ll see unbelievable gains on this board!

Anyway, my first post and although it’s long I had to share my experience with others out there. PLease feel free to comment and share your results with this technique.



P.S. Does anyone had experience with legitimate herbs that truly enhance sexuality? If so, please reply!

You might like getting a wallpaper seam roller, and using that.
Lay your dick on a hot rice sock, and roll down down the top of it.
If you check around you can find heavy duty rollers made of hard rubber.


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