Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How many men do PE?

Originally Posted by vanloon
If PE gets more attention and researchers are helping to make better PE programs and information can be spread out more adequately, it will be more easy for us to reach our goals.

WRONG! It would be a lot harder to reach our goals, because:

1 - We would be forced to aim higher. I mean, if the size 8x6 got a lot more common, we would have to work harder to get more than that if we intended to be ABOVE average.

2 - If 8x6 got common, that size would necessarily stop being the favorite size for a woman. It’s pure instinct! People are always more attracted for something that is better/higher than average… or different than average. That’s the reason why blonde women are considered more attractive in places where most of women are brunettes, and vice versa. That’s the reason why women prefer taller than average guys (but not way too taller), that’s the reason why women prefer men that are more muscular than the average (but not way too muscular), that’s the reason why women prefer bigger than average penises (but not huge penises).

3 - There would be a bigger pressure for most of us. I mean, if all men started PEing, average penis size would increase considerably, thus making a 6,5 x 5,2 penis a small one (when that’s actually bigger than average nowadays). Many men would feel less confident with what they have.

If you really are worried about all the males in the world doing PE and blowing away the averages, try this.
Go tell 5 of your closest friends how to jelq and be sure to tell them the benefits, set back and see how many will come back and thank you or seek additional info, my guess is none.

Most of us are different, there is noting normal about what I have done. This will never hit big, a lot of guys want larger units but most will shy away when they find out how much time and attention it will take. Most will especially shy away when their social activities start to fade away.

No worries man, we will be O.K. I would be comfortable with full page ads in all the national magazines about Thundersplace. Any sponsors?

I agree with that.

But you give another meaning to the words “our goals”. I meant it in a pure technical way. More research —-> better PE programs and exercises —-> faster results —-> easier to reach our (now settled) goals.

You give an explanation that goals will change as a result of higher average penises. I think that’s true, but only when PE gets EXTREME mainstream and I think that will not be the case because of negative points of PE (time consumption, injury risk etc.)

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

I’m sure that, if I talked with my friends about PE, they would make fun of me. So I think that less than 5% is doing PE or even thinks it works

__________May 2005____July 2011_________???

BPEL -----------> 6.9 -----------> 7.85 -------> > > 8.5

NBPEL----------> 6.3 -----------> 7.3 ---------> > > 7.9

I think that if you show your 9X7, that they stop laughing immediately.

GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull

GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10

I’m sure every guy I know out there would love to have a bigger dick. In fact Id bet on it. I feel that most guys look for some kinda magic pill that they can swallow and LO! Their dick becomes big over night. I’ve spoken to a few of my friends about PE. Some are non believers and the others who are open to the idea are not sure if it would also work with them although they may wanna try it. I guess most of the guys get grossed out by the idea of pulling their dick. In short they associate pain with it and why not? When I first heard of hanging weights from my dick I was like “eeeeuuuuuu thats way too much” untill I overcame my fear .

Dedicating 30-45 mins is again a problem for most guys as they’d rather do something they can get faster results from .(maybe fix up with a gal in the bar. Lol). Also some people may associate shame with PE( I know someone who ridiculed me for not accepting what god gave me. Lol )
I think people need education about PE but I’m also considering the Average law


There’s no way 5% of guys are doing or have ever done this. The first step into PE is that you have hear about it. Then you have to consider seriously whether it might work or not. Then you have to look into it. Then you have to find the information. Then you have to believe that it really can work, or at least be accepting enough of the idea to give it a try for long enough to see gains. Then you have to have the time, place and opportunity to do it. Then you have to stick to it long enough to see gains. I’d guesstimate that 1% or less have ever gotten that far.

Ulcasterdropout makes a salient point. I won’t mention the website since he doesn’t but it is a website for guys with small penises who counsel each other. The solution to their smaller endowment is simple and I and others have tried to get those guys to visit thunders and to jelq. This suggestion is almost met with hostility. I dont know the reason why. It might be laziness, disbelief, depression. I simply dont know. A careful review of this website ought to convince any rational guy in my book to try the methods advanced here. Anybody got a comment on why someone complaining of a small dick would not at least try the methods here? It is an enigma to me.

Thinktank ! I guess It’s more like Fat, obese people not taking steps to get lean/lose weight. It could be because of Self pity, Lack of Knowledge, negative thinking, improper guidance, not open to new ideas or just simple laziness.

My 2 cents
First, I believe guys doing PE are less than 5%.
Because Thunder’s place is THE best place for PEer, and there are not millions of members, are there?
I mean there are tons of good pet sides, good gaming sides, but there are few PE sides, I mean those as good as Thunder’s Place. This suggest that PEers are still a small community.
Second, I think this is not hard to explain. Yes, men want a bigger penis. Yes men heard of PE.
But . Not all of them believes PE, since PE needs effort, much of effort. And many technical claims to need effort, like some weight loosing technicals, are not truth. So it is natural that some guy will see PE as another stupid lie.
And even if those believe PE, few of them do it. We all know running is very good to health, we all know Mcdonalds food is every bad to health, but we don’t do the right thing, do we?

My point is that PE is typical unpopular thing. It promises much, it is simple, but, it needs much effort and there are no pills or tools that can magically boost it’s effect. All it need besides a simple guide and some helpful friends is belief, much effort, much time, willing and good patience. Not every men has all of these.
And every thing like this will not become very popular.
If Doctor somebody invent a pill which can boost every men’s penis, includes those lazy guys. It will be popular. But I don’t think this will come true in near future.

Originally Posted by spike6
I’m sure that, if I talked with my friends about PE, they would make fun of me. So I think that less than 5% is doing PE or even thinks it works

I think that if you show your 9X7, that they stop laughing immediately.


That’s a funny visual. LOL Can you imagine trying to tell a friend about your PE work and him questioning whether PE would work. Then you whip out a 9X7. The expression on his face would be a classic. He’d probably say, Holy shit man, is that real. I want one just like it.

With regard to some of the discussion about raising the average: Even if PE were to become mainstream and a proven (widespread - public knowledge) method of penis enlargement, I don’t think we would all have to readjust to the new average of 8”. The fact is that most people are not motivated or committed to anything that requires long term effort. Just as working out to gain muscle is common knowledge, you don’t see everyone walking around with a killer body. Same with PE. I think that those of us who are willing to put in effort will have a safe monopoly on the larger penis - just as we do the better body etc

Originally Posted by almost7seeks8
With regard to some of the discussion about raising the average: Even if PE were to become mainstream and a proven (widespread - public knowledge) method of penis enlargement, I don’t think we would all have to readjust to the new average of 8”. The fact is that most people are not motivated or committed to anything that requires long term effort. Just as working out to gain muscle is common knowledge, you don’t see everyone walking around with a killer body. Same with PE. I think that those of us who are willing to put in effort will have a safe monopoly on the larger penis - just as we do the better body etc

I agree. I think that the determination level with the members here on thunders is higher then the average population.


Since I just joined this site yesterday I would like to provide a newbie’s perspective on this topic. From the 2000 US Census date there are 70.77 million males between the ages of 20-54. 5% of this would be 3.5 million. It seems extremely unlikely to me that 3.5 million men are doing any kind of NPE. My guess would be less than 1%.

I think we are conditioned after years of miracle diets, “minutes a day” exercise machines, get rich quick schemes, and magical pills that cure all manner of ills, to be skeptical of anything that looks like it is related to any of these. I think to the average guy it’s hard to separate real PE from all the quick fix penis enlargement spam. I think I am a good case in point. I first heard of PE over two years ago, but after seeing a couple of the pay sites out there I determined this was just another false promise.

I recently was watching a show on Discovery Health channel (one of those plastic surgery shows I think) and they had a guy who was getting penis enlargement surgery. I had looked into this years ago and determined it was a bad idea. When I saw this show I though maybe they had made improvements since then and started doing some searching on the web. I eventually found myself at the “love your small penis” web site some of you guys have mentioned, and on that site there was a link to Thunder’s Place. If I hadn’t found this site I would still probably be of the opinion that PE is BS.

One other thing to consider, even if PE was promoted in all the media as actually working you still would not see every guy walking around with a 8” dong. Why? Because it is work, just like you don’t see every guy walking around all buff and toned, because working out and exercise is hard work and most people are not willing to dedicate the time to do it, even thought the methods are widely know and accepted as being valid.

Anyway, I’m glad I found this site and I’m looking forward to getting started.

Originally Posted by PapaGrande
One other thing to consider, even if PE was promoted in all the media as actually working you still would not see every guy walking around with a 8” dong. Why? Because it is work, just like you don’t see every guy walking around all buff and toned, because working out and exercise is hard work and most people are not willing to dedicate the time to do it, even thought the methods are widely know and accepted as being valid.
Anyway, I’m glad I found this site and I’m looking forward to getting started.

Yeah, I think so, too. If it involves any effort, most people aren’t will to do it. I found this site a little over month ago. I too, thought that there had to be advancements in the technology. That’s how I stumbled on here. This can really be a life changing event for a lot of people. Anyway, good luck and welcome aboard.


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