Huh.. I guess I’m more aggressive than most. I use a sock wrap under the cable clamp. 1-click to engage, then slide down. Kegle/porn and another click. Push, rotate to keep the hinge below, kegle/porn and another click. I keep doing this until there are no more ramps (clicks) showing. Then I begin the clamped bends, kegeling after to re-engorge. 10-min set, up to 3 sets per day, with lots of manual stretching, massage, and rolls in between. The last set is usually after smoking some weed. By this time the tissue has become so elastic the expansion is incredible. Girth is usually up 1/4” while clamped.
Definitely not a newbie routine. And even if you’ve been at PE for a while, it will take some time to get your unit up to this much abuse. But the gains have been constant and steady.