Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much have you gained on just stretching and jelqing


I have gained 1cm in length and about 2-3mm in girth in one and a half month.

That is 0.3 inches length and 0.1 inches girth.

Has been: 6.4 x 4.7 (16.3 x 12cm)

Is : 6,9 x 4.7 (17.7 x 12cm)

WILL BE : 7 x 4,8 (17,8 x 12.2cm)

1/2” in length and 1/16” in girth so far from stretching and jelquing.

Then: 5.63"x4.25" ---> Now: 6.50"x4.44"

I’ve gained almost 1” from basic stretching alone in 4 months

Hello MagnumXXL01,

You say that you’ve gained from stretching alone, congrats and I think its impressive. Can you please elaborate on your exact stretching regime.


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