Thunder's Place

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How much pain is too little pain?


How much pain is too little pain?

I’ve always heard it said that as soon as you feel any kind of pain whatsoever you should immediately discontuinue P.E. for at least two to three days.

Is that really true?

Personally I can’t imagine P.E. without some level of pain. Does that mean I’m doing it incorrectly?

Generally by the end of the day my ligs are so fatigued that I just have to pull on it and it stings.

For some reason I can’t imagine it working if there’s no physical ‘pain’ or fatigue.

My rule of thumb has been too much pain is pain that feels like you’re doing serious damage or pain that’s just simply not bearable. Is that wrong?

I’m interested in everybody’s thoughts on this. I know no one wants to be responsible for anybody elses injury, but I’m basically P.E. the living shit out of my unit anyway so some input would be really appreciated.

Pain is a no-no in PE, and the most common cause of lack of gains is overwork - especially too much intensity. You don’t have to ‘punish’ your penis or break it - you should just give it a stimulus.

A light aching is not a problem, and maybe (but I repeat: maybe) a sign of good work - but pain is not aching, right?

So there really should be no pain? At all? Just aching as fatigue? And that will work?

Is overwork really that big a problem? Do we know why? There was the theory of collagen production in response to over-work, or is it because pain stops us from maintaining a continuous routine? Is there clearer information on this these days?

The reason I’m asking is I’m back after a long long break and I’m starting with the newbie routine (which I’ve never used before) to get the last half-inch I want. I just figured I’d hit it all guns blazing, but if overwork really is that much of a problem maybe I should take it a little easier.

I began with Penimaster, which became painful in every set, and where it attached got really sore also (back when they had cloth wraps). I just assumed pain was part of the deal. I suffered a lot of discomfort (minor pain) hanging also.

Penis is made of many different tissues, but, simplifying a bit, we are interested in providing growth to TA and smooth muscle.

TA is connective tissue, pretty much the same as tendons. If you ever trained athletically or with weights, you do know that tendons become larger hand in hand with muscles, but if you have a pain to a tendon, than you have to stop because a bad injury is going to come.

Staying on this analogy, smooth muscle is muscle; when you lift, you can feel (sometimes, not always) an aching, or burning, on the last, fatiguing sets or reps of training: generally, is mostly believed that it’s a good sign, because a little damage to muscles has been provided (if this is true or not it is debatable, but it’s not relevant here); but this burning is never pain in the proper meaning, at least if my dictionary is giving the correct translation :) . So, when doing a very long stretch, you can feel an aching or little burning to your penis - especially when hanging or using an extender; but if you feel pain, then you have to stop, for a reason or another.

A pain when hanging can be caused, in most of cases, by incorrect wrapping or incorrect hanging attachment, so stop and search for the mistake if you are having pain.

Finally, when using an extender you can have bad, but superficially pain, when using a noose-style, especially if you are uncut: that’s not a big trouble, is just skin too sensitive; anyway, noose-style extenders are not generally recommended, so the problem of pain, in this case, is out of question.

If you are having pain using a not noose-style extender/ADS, it would be a good idea posting the pic of the device you are using and explaining exactly what kind of pain you have.

Right now I’m pumping after jelqing and stretches. The sensation I’m feeling is similar to the pain of rsi or pulling a muscle, but I only have it when under strain (i.e. only when I’m pulling on it or when I’m in the vacuum tube.)

I don’t mind the feeling, since it’s not too much for me to bear, but I’m not sure if it’ll actually hurt my gains to continue PE at that intensity.

When I first attach my hanger for the 1st set when I have not hung for awhile I get some pretty bad discomfort and pain but then it goes away after 30 seconds, is that alright?

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by Mr. F
Right now I’m pumping after jelqing and stretches. The sensation I’m feeling is similar to the pain of rsi or pulling a muscle, but I only have it when under strain (i.e. only when I’m pulling on it or when I’m in the vacuum tube.)

I don’t mind the feeling, since it’s not too much for me to bear, but I’m not sure if it’ll actually hurt my gains to continue PE at that intensity.

Uhm..I don’t know if the language barrier is working here, but I never had a pain when pulling a muscle. Do you mean a mild aching?

I think you should post this specific question in the pumpers forum, since I don’t really have a deep knowledge of this specific technique, but my personal opinion is that you should not pulling the cylinder while your penis is inside it and under vacuum - it’s just like augmenting the vacuum, and high pressure is not the best way to get gains with pumps.

Originally Posted by bluray

When I first attach my hanger for the 1st set when I have not hung for awhile I get some pretty bad discomfort and pain but then it goes away after 30 seconds, is that alright?

What kind of hanger are you using? And where do you feel that pain? On the skin, on ligs…where?

Mr f. Had you had any gains?

Pain is not what you want in p.e.

@marinera: Thanks for the input. Maybe it’s a language thing. I posted it here because I felt it was a more general question (it’s not really specific to any single exercise or device).

Originally Posted by Gapseal
Mr f. Had you had any gains?

Pain is not what you want in p.e.

I did have gains with both Penimaster and through hanging.

The gains I had through hanging got less and less and then stopped. At that time I was trying to increase my weight incrementally to get into the ‘sweet spot’ reported by the guys hanging back when Bib was around.

It got to the point where I just couldn’t add any more weight basically because I couldn’t bear the pain. I just figured that my unit was unique, because I could only hang a fraction of the weight those guys reported hanging, even after incremental additions and conditioning over time.

(incidentally I broke my hanger trying to tighten it enough to carry that weight and had to resort to adapting it so that I could hold it closed with a d-clamp, all of which made me a little suspicious about those guys’ weight claims.)

Ultimately I don’t mind working at a higher intensity (I feel like I’ve been PEing long enough to know my personal limits) I just need to know if it’s going to stop me from gaining (I’m not in it for the pain, I want the gains, It’s just that everything I’m doing seems to stress the base of the penis so that the combined result is a raw base (and a sore head from the stimulation to erection)).

Is this a thing of lost in translation or are you talking about true pain?

When you bend over to try and touch your toes and you feel a sensation in your legs as they are being stretched beyond their limits, is that pain?

In my opinion there is a difference between discomfort and pain. A bit of discomfort is ok, but pain is to be avoided at all costs. Pain = your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong.

Originally Posted by CubanB
Is this a thing of lost in translation or are you talking about true pain?

When you bend over to try and touch your toes and you feel a sensation in your legs as they are being stretched beyond their limits, is that pain?

In my opinion there is a difference between discomfort and pain. A bit of discomfort is ok, but pain is to be avoided at all costs. Pain = your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong.

That’s how I’ve always felt about it. I’m just wondering if there’s a consensus on this.

When I used to hang I incrementally worked up to the most weight I could hang without it becoming unbearable pain by the end of the set. I’d aim to finish the set and detach everything before I hit the point of unbearable pain. It probably sounds like a stupid question but is that too much ‘pain’?

Are ligs that sting when you pull on your pecker at the end of the day an indication of overwork?

Is that kind of ‘overwork’ really that bad? Will it really stop you gaining?

There isn’t anything as ‘too little pain in PE’. If you have even little pain, that’s too much.

Originally Posted by marinera
There isn’t anything as ‘too little pain in PE’. If you have even little pain, that’s too much.

What I’m hearing is: you can PE in a way that you feel absolutely no ‘pain’ and still gain, and possibly gain faster than if you’d PE’d in a way that caused pain.

That’s not a question, it’s just a clarification.

I think there might be a little difficulty both in translation and in definition of terms. I think it’s probably further complicated by potential posters fear of being held responsible for someone pulling their dick off.

Maybe it’s too difficult a question (generally speaking).

Originally Posted by Mr. F

What I’m hearing is: you can PE in a way that you feel absolutely no ‘pain’ and still gain, and possibly gain faster than if you’d PE’d in a way that caused pain.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying.


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