abt, no real routine here.. Just some lig stretching gone terribly bad :(
One side of my ligs (the left to be specific) was torn badly which resulted in a) pain, b) PAIN, c) a sudden urge to see a doctor and d) the dick to point to the right by about 15 degrees when doing a kegel in erect state.
Nothing I would ever in my life suggest for doing a routine.
The only thing I learned was: If you do manual stretches do them _VERY_ mildly.. Especially if you don’t know how your body reacts / shows little pain / big pain / etc..
And for me this also means: I will never to rotational stretches again.. I see their point, but the risk of injuring yourself is just too high when comparing to normal manual stretches (without rotating) and the outcome you can get (if your ligs were too strong to begin with that is).
On a sidenote: Inflammation is bad.. It lets your dick shrink (seemingly) by causing the tissue to pull together.. And if you keep on doing things that inflammate an already inflammated region even more eg. the ligs will become much stronger (by the development of crossing ligs), resulting in much stronger ligs when they are properly healed (takes 2-3 months time.. minimum!).
Good luck on your PE journeys, abt.
Be careful and rational with what you got.. You don’t wanna lose it :)
edit: Besides the “gains” (which are superficial really): It’s not worth it.. And I do expect it to shrink back somewhat in the process of healing. Even doing mild wet jelqs is a no-go at the moment since this imposes a mild stretch on the ligs, too. Guess that’s why I’m very active on the forum all of a sudden ;)