How the hell did this happen?
This morning, I did my usual stretching, followed by 150 - 4 second count wet jelqs, followed by about five minutes of balloning. With all that PE, I was nearly to 7” NBPEL (I know that 1/4” is because the tissue was stretched at the time). Anyway, later in the day I was looking at some porn and doing what guys do while they look at porn. I noticed that I looked pretty full, so I decided to measure again and see where I was. To my suprise, I strained to hit the 6 3/4” NBPEL mark. I normally hit this point as a standard. Is it possible that my girth was slightly increased at that point and that’s what made me look larger? I looked larger, and for a guy to be able to see that despite the way so many of us doubt our size, indicates that it was no joke. But, I can’t be sure. So, any thoughts? I’m not really disappointed, because I DID look bigger. It just wasn’t what I expected.