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How to increase ball size?


How to increase ball size?

Can you tell me how to increase ball size?

Hi, kassit,

I don´t know if increasing ball size is possible. It is possible and quite easy to enlarge one´s scrotum or ballsack, so to have lower hanging balls. Is that what you´re looking for?


For me, ball stretching made them bigger, and they haven’t gone back to the previous size. Your results will vary.

Mine used to ride high, and were smallish(I measured the testicle length at about 1.5-1.6 inches). They vary in size now from 2-2.3" using the same measuring method even without any signifigant stretching routine.

Here’s the method I used:
A Question for Cyberstud25 (re: low balls)

I want some big nuts but I wonder what size of testicles the big guys up in here have. Most of the time nobody is talking about balls, but for me it’s important. Like in real life a man has to have some big balls.

Btw those guys in porn always have some big balls. So even if I reach my goals I could never be pornactor because of my testicles.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Can’t you just manually stretch the ballsac from time to time during the day to get lower hanging balls?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Pornstars are actually better off with high and tight balls. If they hang, then they have to use one of their hands to hold them out of the way of the camera.

Stretching the ballsac will result in lower hanging balls for sure, but he was asking what to do to increase the testicle size.

Why worry about “bigger” or “lower”? Go for “more”! I saw a picture somewhere of prosthetic testicles that can be implanted. Get your favorite GU surgeon to pop a couple of those babies into your sack and the ladies will think you’re a super stud! ;)

I’m only halfway kidding when I suggest this.

Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

I seriously don’t want bigger balls, I only do sack stretching so that they hang lower out of the way. This also allows your unit to hang downwards more giving it the hung look.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I want to stretch my scrotum for the reason I talked about here: ascending testicles and sack stretching

I’ve used the griptwist a few times for this purpose lately. It’s not good for a sit down job because the nuts just get too uncomfortable too fast when I’m bent at the waist with the stretched out ballsack along side one thigh or the other.

MDC I don’t know but they still got some big balls. I only saw trannies (shemales) having balls like me but no male actor.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


What about using Clomid, I have heard that it has side effect of increasing the balls, and it is also enough safe. have you even tried it?

I want bigger balls. Mines are pathetic

Clomid, if you use it too much, can damage your eyes permanently. It can also affect your moods in a bad way. I can’t use it for these reasons, so I have restored to testicle massage. Seems to help.

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by westla90069
You probably didn’t see this (third photo).

That picture just looks gross to me. It looks like they have ruptured balls and it damn sure doesn’t look natural. There is no way I would want something like that. It can’t be comfortable sitting or even walking. I would also think having something sucking on your nuts like those pumps they have would not be safe because your nuts are so delicate anyway. You could probably really screw yourself up bad with those things. I can’t even stand pulling on my balls because they are so tender so that crap has got to hurt like a bitch.

I am all for having lower hanging balls myself. I don’t care anything about the actual size of my nuts being any bigger.

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