Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

how to measure the perfect size for her??


Where did the myth that the most common dildo size is 8x6 come from? If you’ve ever shopped for them, 6” girth is quite unusual.

Maybe somebody should start up a poll….

I suspect it was RB? But I could be wrong… :fie:

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

I’m up for it, but it will take me quite a while to gather the info. If you know what I mean. I may visit an older female friend of mine just for sex, but I’m devoting myself to PE. I’m going to be out of the dating scene for a while. I’ll see what other information I can come across while reading.

The distance to the belly button will not tell whether or not her vagina is deep or not, but it should be a good indicator as to where most of her organs in her belly are located. As for limits…….geez….

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

I bought a dildo called Mr. Majestic for my wife a few years back. It was 7 x 6 and should said it hurt her and refused to use it. 5 1/2” is the perfect girth imo.


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