Thunder's Place

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Hubbard Drumsticks and bleeding


Hubbard Drumsticks and bleeding

I’m new to the Forum but I have a question. I tried Tom Hubbard’s Drumstick technique, and after only a few, medium strength strokes, I noticed a drop of blood collecting at my “peehole” (for lack of the proper medical term). There was no pain connected with it. I immediately stopped, and am now worried I did serious damage. Anyone ever had this happen? Do I need to see a doctor? Internal bleeding? I have been jelqing for about a year, and also hanging weights (10 to 15 lbs) for about a year. Never had this happen before. Thanks.


I'm not really surprised...

but I am sorry to hear that. This forum, second page, post entitled “Why I’ve abandon weights” by Tom Hubbard. I believe I mentioned the dangers to the ureathra when doing this type of technique horizontally like a power jelq device. If I am incorrect in assuming this is what you did, I apologize. If you were using the sticks in this orientation, think about this…the stick are solid, your piss tube runs through the CS, the CS is very soft tissue (no tunica). Acute pressure, bad idea. Try them in the verticle orientation if you persist. Some folks have mentioned a drop of blood or two when jelqing or doing ulis, no harm came from it as I understand. The problem is it’s hard to tell were the bleeding actually is, for it may be at the opening or further inside. Your probably fine and it may just have been a minor rupture or bursting of vascualar tissue, but one might be wise not to walk that path again. groa

Thanks for the speedy reply,

Yes, I was doing it horizontally, for a few strokes. I also tried it vertically for a few. Both were experimental strokes, and not very hard. Then I noticed the blood and stopped. IF I try it again, I will definitely only do it vertically. Like I said, there was no pain associated with it. Also, since then (about 5 days ago) I have started regular jelqing again (yesterday) and I haven’t noticed any bleeding. And everything feels fine. So I don’t think anything was seriously or permanantly damaged. I was planning on trying some weights tonight, but I wanted to hear if any one had experienced this before I risk doing further damage. Thanks again for your input.



Yes most likely it was a ruptured (sounds good right?) capillary (very tiny blood vessels). Those are the type that bleed but only momentarily. I too have experienced blood from the urethra during PE but, only when jelqing with the thumb on top/fingers on the urethra side grip or when doing “power jelqs” without doing a few minutes of warm up jelqing first. I am liking this power jelqing that I’ve started doing again just recently.

Hi all

Hmmm, I’ve been using the old drumsticks for a few days now with no real bother.
And I seem to be getting some gains…which is pleasantly surprising.

However, do you think there’s a real danger to the nerves on the top and the urethra?

kind regards

Blood = Bad. Leave the sticks for the drums!


BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

I tried this and I liked the level of engorgement it created at first but after a few sessions my dick was feeling numb - maybe too much pressure on that nerve that runs along the top. I then tried to simulate it with a palms up grip using my thumb and forfinger and it was the same story but to a lessor degree. That and it hurt. I think it is very easy to apply too much pressure with the sticks without realizing it. It concentrates a lot of of pressure on top and bottom. I think there is real potential to injure yourself with the sticks and I would avoid them. Slow jelqing I think is safer and probably more effective. If you are seeing blood, that’s like doctor time.


At about the year and a half point in PE-

I bled a small amount durring Jelqing one time without any sensation and then took 2 weeks off. I monitored for signs of infection and prepaired to go to the Doctor if I saw any. Everything looked and felt OK after 2 weeks so I resumed my PE. My dick is bigger and stronger than ever and I’m 47 y/o.

Would have liked to had a video of me explaining this to my Doctor!


Well after taking a week off, then jelqing for awhile and hanging weights with no sign of blood ever again, I decided to give the old drumsticks another try. This time I only did it vertically, along the sides, and there was no problem. I’ve since tried it several times, always only on the sides, working up to quite hard pressure, and never another drop of blood. That’s good. I would definitely advise any one using the sticks or Power Jelq device to NEVER do it horizontally, along the top, or you will likely do damage. I agree that it is very hard to gauge how much pressure you are applying with the sticks. And you lose that tactile sensation you get with your hands to actually feel the underlying tissue “moving” as you milk. But in general I do like it, and will continue to use it as a supplement to regular jelqing. I’m glad the bleeding was only a one time occurrence, and seems to have not been anything needing medical attention. Boy, I don’t know how I would have explained that to a doctor.


I created a set of Hubbard Drumsticks and was exercising right along and I felt a pain on the left side.

I quit right away but then noticed an immediate Bruising and slight pain.
Applied some ice and the next day Bruno had a nice hematoma sporting a black eye.

SO thought it was gnarly. Its healing pretty well with some R & R.

Hope to restart next week.

I’ve been using PVC pipes to do this and seems great. I do them straight up and down, but i do them on the top and bottom of my dick. I thought that was fine but now after reading this i am worried. I get great expansion and have notice all the signs of having gains since starting this about a week and half ago. I never do it back to back days and i only do about 50. Everything seems fine. Knock on wood.

Drumsticks - nooooooo!

I have a new site going up in a day or two, where you’ll see nothing round—and a ludicrously simple device that is both hanger and ‘jelq sticks’ (which is what the drumsticks got renamed here).

Couple weeks ago, as I started thinking about revising the site, I grabbed some 5/8” dowels in my workshop and tried doing the drumstick thing. Hurt like hell. No way! Alas, for better or worse, TP keeps all this archived stuff. Maybe I’ll make some notes and ask mem or Thunder to add updates to those pages with warnings. Or should I say more warnings.

Tom Hubbard

Drumsticks - nooooooo

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
I have a new site going up in a day or two, where you’ll see nothing round—and a ludicrously simple device that is both hanger and ‘jelq sticks’ (which is what the drumsticks got renamed here).

Couple weeks ago, as I started thinking about revising the site, I grabbed some 5/8” dowels in my workshop and tried doing the drumstick thing. Hurt like hell. No way! Alas, for better or worse, TP keeps all this archived stuff. Maybe I’ll make some notes and ask mem or Thunder to add updates to those pages with warnings. Or should I say more warnings.

Tom Hubbard

Looking forward to the site.

Keep us posted!


Hm. I have similar sticks as Toms new ones but I don’t get nearly as much engorgement in my glans when using them compared to manually. Is there a video or detailed explanation on how to use them?

05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"

10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"

Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics


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