Originally posted by rockinout
That sounds kind of silly, but I think if I subconsciously heard “You can get a bigger dick! Give everything you've got to PE, visualize, etc” every time I listened to music, I think it could work, or at least help keep me motivated.
It’s not silly. I think DLDs visualization techniques is a type of hypnosis. Probably a better statement to make while PEing would be:
“Whenever I jelq like this, I’m am telling my unconscious mind to trigger the process of growing my penis larger. I don’t have to believe whether or not what my conscious mind thinks it can happen. My unconscious mind has grown my penis from what it was when I was an infant to what it is today so it already knows how to do it. Whenever I jelq, I am telling my unconscious mind to grow my penis thicker, longer, and with a more developed head.”
I believe the moment that my PEing becomes unconscious, as opposed to something I think to much about, it becomes better. Example: Whenever I just shoot the basketball, rather than thinking place my hand here, push my arm thus, etc my shot becomes “unconscious.” I think PE will be for me the same thing. It already has in jelqing. I “unconsciously” am better at jelqing than I was before.