Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hypocrisy of Doctors

Hypocrisy of Doctors

My belief in, and pursuit of, PE remains constant, despite the overwhelming rejection of natural PE by the medical establishment. However, I do not believe that my position is "anti-scientific" or illogical….in fact, I believe that the medical community’s view is the hypocritical one.
After all, it’s not like the medical community (MC for short) has conducted vast studies of PE; in fact, the only scientific study I know of is described in the lawsuit against Dr. Robert Chartham:
Chartham Study
And the subjects in that experiment overwhelmingly exhibited positive results - in just a few months’ time (remember, this wasn’t conducted over a 1-2 year period, etc.). So, here’s where the hypocrisy really starts to mount:
(1) If you carefully read the wording, nowhere in the lawsuit does it say, [1] Penis size did not increase, or [2] There was physical harm or risk of harm…..the "reason" Dr. Chartham lost was because there was insufficient follow-up to prove that the gains were permanent or long-term, hence he could not call it "penis enlargement." MEANWHILE, even in phalloplasty (surgical enlargement), the gains may not be so. Consider that the length "gains" are not truly gains, but the snipping of the suspensory ligament which - without hanging weights for about a year - could result in a shorter penis! Also, the procedure where fat is injected into the penis (for added girth) is also clearly NOT permanent - it has been estimated that up to 90% of that fat is reabsorbed back into the body within the first year - often at uneven rates, leaving a shrinking, lumpy bumpy cock. YET IT’S CALLED PENIS ENLARGEMENT - and they KNOW it’s not "permanent," for the most part.
(2) There is ample reason behind the theory of PE to warrant a comprehensive study (some PE physiology) - but they just won’t do it. Science will conduct all sorts of stupid, wasteful "research," such as "Why do bees buzz?" and other crapola, but they won’t confront such a personal issue that deeply affects millions of men - only unless you want to shell out $10,000 for penis "enlargement" surgery (which probably is not permanent - at least not for girth).
(3) The MC constantly touts the need for research & studies (and, of course, the tax-payer funding for said projects), but they categorically deny the efficacy of natural PE - without any serious studies on their behalf, all solely based on "theory." Well, my ruler & tape measure call their "theory" bullshit.

I am not "anti-scientific," they are. If the MC ever wants to get serious about PE, then I’ll be more than willing to listen. They need to conduct a huge, comprehensive survey (spanning race, age, penis size, etc.) regarding natural PE. Use men 18-80, 3" to 11" (or whatever), all colors, financial backgrounds, etc. Conduct the study for a few years, then do follow up (because I am curious about issues of "permanence" myself). When they are prepared to flop down a thick report, I’d be eager to pick it up and read it - regardless of the conclusions (but I think we know what they’d be).
Such a study would not be "unethical" or dangerous. All of the men would sign a consent form - just as they do when the F.D.A. is conducting human tests with experimental drugs (which is far more risky than PE). And they’d have no shortage of volunteers who’d want to try to make their peepee bigger.
So, until then, the MC can lick my asshole. I don’t give a damn about their "theories" - hell, I’d like to leave a nice mushroom print on their foreheads from my harder, 64% bigger K’YACK.

Mayby this is a little off topic, but my opinion is that it’s good that not everybody knows about NPE.
If everybody knew about it, sooner or later, the situation would remain the same as the whole concept wouldn’t even exist. Only ones that would get something out of it in the end, would be the women. Not that it’s a bad thing though. The roles would change. Now the biggest ones wouldn’t be the ones that were genetically gifted for size, but the ones that were genetically gifted for big gains. OR the ones with both.
Think about all the insecurities that NPE has helped to cure.. It’s because not everyone knows about it. Being “over avarage” might be the small ego-boost that one needs for more enjoyable living. If everybody would know about NPE, the “avarage” would definitely dramatically rise.

Big scale studies about NPE. Yeah, sure, but I think it’s also waste of resources. How about if we’d use the money for research against cancer or HIV instead? What is ones penis size compared to the fact that already 17 million people have died in AIDS in Africa and atleast 25 million people still have the disease?

The medical community is conservative and old fashioned, but I understand some of their points.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I agree with Wadzilla. I am not worried about too many guys getting big schlongs. Hey, there are ways to make your body look fantastic, trim and 6-pak displayed. Are there any guys out there with pot guts? (My hand is up). Apparently there are a lot of women that like a slim belly, (until they meet me :D ). But the guys still carry the pork.

I think it would be worth the added competition to get the medical community on board. Think of the cool labs and computers and elaborate tests and stuff. They may be able to find some nifty ways to make willy grow once they are open to the FACT that it can.

Then again, I’m married. My PE is not done for competition. It’s to put a smile on sweeties face when she thinks about me. :)

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

Wad, surely you mean SOME doctors and SOME in the medical community…

Luvdadus is an MD. So is Sunny, I believe. I think they believe PE is real :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Think about this: You meet a nice girl in a bar and magic happens and you head for her place. You took off your pants and she says: ” It looks a little small, you ever considered PE? ” ;)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I don’t believe, I got 2 inches more in length. I KNOW its real. Fuck those close minded assholes that cannot see shit because their puritanical world view makes it too taboo to take it seriously. I’m finished worrying about whether the mainstream of medicine ever accepts it. I would LIKE to see it - to put the butchers out of business, but I guess it ain’t gonna happen. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Just curious, has anyone ever come to you wondering about the effectiveness of natural PE?

No, I don’t think I’d tell them I do it, but I think that I will tell them that it seems theoretically sound and that I know of men who claim that it worked for them.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

That’s why I was bugging Dr. Weil in his men’s forum a while back. He seems more open to out-of-the-mainstream thinking. Lots of talk about herbs and such in his writings. I think he will probably look more closely at it, not sure though, of course. Just want him to question the urologists he sites.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

Originally posted by base
Think about this: You meet a nice girl in a bar and magic happens and you head for her place. You took off your pants and she says: ” It looks a little small, you ever considered PE? ” ;)


Might be a bit better than :rolling:

When I was 20, I had a girl tell me nicely once after we had sex, “You are OK, but I am looking for a guy that can go deeper and get to all my spots.” I came down with gonorrhea out of it, too. :hmh:

Fight Club!!!!!!!!!!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

The first rule of PE is, never talk about PE.

The second rule is….never talk about PE!

Wad - you are probably right “in general.” A friend of mine who is a Board Certified Urologist has told me that the ONLY danger he has ever thought about in the area of PE is that some of the bruising that occurs can lead to sclerotic areas (hardened) in the CC/CS, which can cause plaque buildup and thromboses.

He has never said that PE is “foolish” or a “waste” of time, and has ALWAYS said that these “pills” advertised are absolute bullshit. (He said that he and a few of his colleagues did an informal study several years ago, using each otehr as “test” subjects … no gains noted and even less positive affect on erections).

The doc has counseled me to be “easy” in pumping - yes, avocet, I am building one - and to watch CAREFULLY the “amount” of stretching I do from jelking and pre-jelk stretches. He says that the WARM UP IS VITAL, and NOT AN OPTION!

You know, guys - if we programmed it right, and kept the data very carefully, with a detailed set of guidelines, we can do such a “study” ourselves. Can you IMAGINE the reaction from the medical community when a bunch of folks, with various academic and professional “certifications” (I’ll throw my BA [chem/biology] and my M.Divinity [ethics/theology] into the mix) hit the world with a definitive STUDY of the results pf PE???

Keep up the good work …


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington



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