Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I Don't Want to Stop


I Don't Want to Stop

I’ve almost reached my length goal (BP8”) and after my current decon break should hit the 8” mark around july of this year.

The thing is I don’t want to stop. I know it’s best to stop at eight because that’s more or less the upper limit before you begin to risk complications with bottoming out and loss of pelvic stimulation, but I want to just keep going anyway.

I like having a big dick and enjoy masturbation much more because of it, plus it seems unlikely that I’m ever going to get laid again due to the havoc that depression is wreaking on my life in general, so I’m thinking “screw it— why not just keep going, it's not like anybody but me is going to be enjoying this thing”.

Well, I guess it’s really up to you. If this is something that will make you happy and feel better, I say go for it. Good luck.

:_pump: :donatecar

Dr. Richards:

I hit 8” BPEL, switched to a maintenance routine, and am down around 7.5” BPEL after a couple of years of “inactive” PE status. I’m hanging again, but I wish that I had continued my initial length run… :shrug:


It is up to you really. I wouldn’t mind a 9-inch MAXIMUM. If I had the potential to get to 11 or even 12 I wouldn’t go for it. 9” would be the absolute max for me.

When I hit 8bp I switched to a goal of 9bp so if I lost some when I quit active PE I would stay over 8 at least, with a maintenance routine.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Mr. F
I’ve almost reached my length goal (BP8”) and after my current decon break should hit the 8” mark around july of this year.

The thing is I don’t want to stop. I know it’s best to stop at eight because that’s more or less the upper limit before you begin to risk complications with bottoming out and loss of pelvic stimulation, but I want to just keep going anyway.

I like having a big dick and enjoy masturbation much more because of it, plus it seems unlikely that I’m ever going to get laid again due to the havoc that depression is wreaking on my life in general, so I’m thinking “screw it— why not just keep going, it's not like anybody but me is going to be enjoying this thing”.

If your life changes and you end up with someone you love - you might be pissed that the only thing he/she doesn’t like about you is your monster dick. What fun would that be?

Now that you know how to grow it, I’d recommend getting it to a good size and then keeping the arsenal handy — in case that particular someone wants a bigger one.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

When I hit 8bp I switched to a goal of 9bp so if I lost some when I quit active PE I would stay over 8 at least, with a maintenance routine.

I agree with Dino.

And also the fact that you are going through a tough time in your life due to depression, I’m guessing PE gives you some kind of focus and direction towards a goal (growth), which should help you in some way to deal with it.

Reminds me of the case of Bruce Banner


Originally Posted by Mr. F
…it seems unlikely that I’m ever going to get laid again due to the havoc that depression is wreaking on my life in general…

Don’t you miss the pleasure of being with a woman (or man, not sure of your oreintation)? Reaching your PE goal is a pretty big accomplishment. Now that you have reached your goal of an 8” penis, why not set a new goal? If I were in your position, I would set a goal of beating my depression and hopefully meeting someone to share all the ups and downs of life with.

As much as I love to masturbate, there is no replacement for sex with a partner. Other people have so much to offer, there is so much to enjoy. I couldn’t imagine NEVER having sex or a relationship again.

I’m not saying to stop PE. Only you can decide what is best for you. I am encouraging you to enrich other areas of your life. Use the confidence you gained through PE to lead a rich and happy life. Just my 2 cents.

Started Feb 1, 2007 - Newbie Routine

ELBP: 5 3/4", ELNBP: 5", EG: 4 7/8"

FL: 3", FG: 4"

Originally Posted by Mr. F
I like having a big dick and enjoy masturbation much more because of it, plus it seems unlikely that I’m ever going to get laid again due to the havoc that depression is wreaking on my life in general,

Don’t put ‘all eggs into one basket’. If you put all importance only in your dick you give away your whole life to your dick. When it shrinks, your life would shrink too.

I can assure you that when you have healthy psychology you can have fun with 6-7" dick. Maintain your 8" dick and improve rest of your life. If you have depression look for materials of Dr Paul. His ‘MindOS’ system is amazing-it has influenced my life drastically !

He is a psychiatrist and great guy.

Originally Posted by Mr. F

The thing is I don’t want to stop. I know it’s best to stop at eight because that’s more or less the upper limit before you begin to risk complications with bottoming out and loss of pelvic stimulation, but I want to just keep going anyway.

Can you elaborate Mr.Fan? Never heard of this before….

That’s quite a response to my post. Thanks for the input— I feel like I should respond to you all, so here goes…

Originally Posted by clgp7
Well, I guess it’s really up to you. If this is something that will make you happy and feel better, I say go for it. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Okish6er
It is up to you really. I wouldn’t mind a 9-inch MAXIMUM. If I had the potential to get to 11 or even 12 I wouldn’t go for it. 9” would be the absolute max for me.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
When I hit 8bp I switched to a goal of 9bp so if I lost some when I quit active PE I would stay over 8 at least, with a maintenance routine.

I guess it’ll probably come down to how long I can keep up hanging for, rather then how long I actually want to get, although it seems I might be able to get to at least nine if I wanted to.

For myself I’d prefer a 9 by 6 since it’d look more like a pornstar dick (or at least it’d look that way to me (I guess the camerawork makes things look bigger)), the look of an 8 by 6 dick, although reportedly the ideal size for vaginal sex, probably wouldn’t have the same effect.

I’m still plotting my measurements so that I can work out how much of my length is actually cemented and how much I’m going to have to gain to sacrifice to the retraction, so I’m probably going to continue beyond bp8”.

For anyone that might be interested: I’ve changed my measuring technique— I now lay on my back to measure, so that I can get consistent measurements without thrusting forward (consciously or subconsciously). After my latest decon break and laying flat on my back my lazy bone-pressed measurement was 7.5” while my fully engorged bone-pressed measurement was 7.75”. With vasodilators, fully engorged and edging, I’m probably just touching bp8”. I at least want to get my fully-engorged bone-pressed measurement up to 8”, if not my ‘lazy’ bone-pressed measurement. My pinch-pulled flaccid bone-pressed erect measurement was 8” but since I resumed hanging today I can now pull it out to 8.125”

I’m a little afraid that I might be resuming hanging too early, but I just can’t stand not hanging, it’s getting me down. If I don’t make at least an eighth of an inch by mid April, I guess I’ll just have to take another longer break.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
If your life changes and you end up with someone you love - you might be pissed that the only thing he/she doesn’t like about you is your monster dick. What fun would that be?.

That does make sense, but I’m not holding my breath.

Originally Posted by Greenoman
I agree with Dino.
And also the fact that you are going through a tough time in your life due to depression, I’m guessing PE gives you some kind of focus and direction towards a goal (growth), which should help you in some way to deal with it.

I like hanging a lot. It makes me feel like I’m actually achieving something and that I’m doing something worthwhile. It’s getting so that I get frustrated and agitated if I have to take a deconditioning break. I guess while I’m hanging I don’t have to deal with the depression. It’s almost like it’s on hold and I can breathe again.

Originally Posted by panthro
Reminds me of the case of Bruce Banner

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that but if you mean that the angrier I get the bigger it gets, you’re right. Sometimes I think the only reason I’m growing the thing is so that I can withhold it as payback for all the time through my teens and twenties that I had to eat my heart out. I should probably get it grafted in place of my middle finger so that I can really flip them the bird.

Originally Posted by winkie
Don’t you miss the pleasure of being with a woman (or man, not sure of your oreintation)?…As much as I love to masturbate, there is no replacement for sex with a partner.

I like women, and yes, I miss it. I miss the little things, and sometimes it would be nice just to have someone to pal around with. For me relationships are generally such a hassle that masturbation just pure and simply wins out hands down. I’ve got my porn and my fleshlight and they don’t hassle me to get a job or expect me to be something I’m not. In many ways I prefer masturbation, and porn and a fleshlight are more than an adequate substitute (and are way better than having to deal with all the other hassles involved with sex), but as I say I do miss the little things. If my life was such that sex just came down to a simple decision as to just whether or not I feel like it then I suppose I would have sex, but life is seldom that easy.

Originally Posted by winkie
Other people have so much to offer, there is so much to enjoy. I couldn’t imagine NEVER having sex or a relationship again.

Sex is okay, just not worth trying to re-structure my entire life and personality so as to be able to enjoy it— to be honest with you as long as I’ve got my porn and fleshlight, right now it’d be enough just to have a girl I could talk with.

Originally Posted by winkie
Reaching your PE goal is a pretty big accomplishment. Now that you have reached your goal of an 8” penis, why not set a new goal? If I were in your position, I would set a goal of beating my depression and hopefully meeting someone to share all the ups and downs of life with.

I’m not there just yet, but should definitely be before the end of this year (if my instincts re. hanging are correct).

I know I should try and move on, but I should be going back into therapy soon and so that’s probably something I’m going to address. Right now I’m feeling pretty hopeless. Part of the original reason I got into PE was to chase a career in adult films (it’s also why I’ve been working out). The thing is, that was more to do with bugchasing to shorten my life (the only way it seemed I could motivate myself to get out of bed) but it seems you can spend your whole life in the industry and all you’ll get is a whole bunch of horrible non-fatal infections. Also, working in the industry doesn’t seem to be as much fun as it looks. The closer I get to actually landing a few scenes the more I realise it’s probably not a good idea, so I’m feeling pretty lost again. My goal was basically to shorten my life and re-balance the time:cash ratio so that I could actually enjoy my life, which I’ve basically not been able to due to my depression and the ever present law of diminished returns. I guess things are never that simple. It seems my only other option (unless I can get well) is homelessness and support from the state.

Originally Posted by disi
Don’t put ‘all eggs into one basket’ If you put all importance only in your dick you give away your whole life to your dick. When it shrinks, your life would shrink too.

I can assure you that when you have healthy psychology you can have fun with 6-7” dick.

Thanks disi— right now my dick is my whole life, and I did have plenty of fun with my 6” dick back when I was still sexually active— the circumstances just don’t really exist for me to use it anymore. Also— thanks for the link, it’s very appreciated.

Originally Posted by Sacred
Can you elaborate Mr.Fan? Never heard of this before….

Sure— I posted a question a while ago which quite a few people responded too “How big is too big”, also I think there was another thread on the topic around the same time. The issue was also touched upon in the Channel 4 documentary “The Perfect Penis” — I transcribed what I thought to be the most relevant information from the documentary into a thread. The consensus seems to be that length can cause difficulties at around 8.5” due to bottoming out and subsequent lack of pelvic stimulation. As I understand it, an 8.5” penis will more or less guaranteed you to bottom out to the extent that you can no longer press pelvises together (lengths up to 8.5” can also cause similar problems) Most people seem to agree that nbp8” is about as big as you want to get.

Last edited by Mr. F : 02-11-2007 at .

Oh, lol.

The way it was originally written I assumed you were talking about complications arising from becoming too big. I agree with you. Just read that part wrong and though “wha?!?!”

The thing for me getting to a larger than ‘required’ size is that when I measure, its usually sitting in my chair with my penis pressed downward so as to create tension and hold the erection at its fullest. However, then I stand up, pelvic positioning makes my length around 0.25” less than in the optimal position - unless I lean back and push my hips forward, and when I’m kneeling its the same.

This is my reason for wanting the bigger sizes (8.5”-9”), because I want it to look good in all positions and be BIG in all positions, not just massive when I sit down and slightly big when I stand up. Especially due to my height throwing off the proportions somewhat. Its a visual thing more than anything else. I have been able to ‘bottom out’ most girls I’ve been with, Or at least get there in most positions.

I always thought everybody at Thundersplace measured with a straight back, pelvis in line, but I’ve read more than one post where people basically state that they thrust forward so as to get a consistent measurement. It makes me wonder just how big a nbp8” actually is ;)

I think if I measured that way I’d probably already be 8”

That makes me wonder if I should either measure the same way, or deduct a quarter inch or so from all the anecdotal evidence re. ideal length.

Ultimately I want to be able to say that I have an eight inch cock, without someone whipping out a ruler, measuring and saying ‘actually that's 7.75” without your hips thrust forward

Another phrase I’ve heard is “from the tip”. Apparently, to work in porn you should have at least 7” ‘from the tip’. But I’m not sure what that is as a bone-pressed length.

Last edited by Mr. F : 02-11-2007 at .

Originally Posted by Mr. F
I’ve almost reached my length goal (BP8”) and after my current decon break should hit the 8” mark around july of this year.

The thing is I don’t want to stop. I know it’s best to stop at eight because that’s more or less the upper limit before you begin to risk complications with bottoming out and loss of pelvic stimulation, but I want to just keep going anyway.

I like having a big dick and enjoy masturbation much more because of it, plus it seems unlikely that I’m ever going to get laid again due to the havoc that depression is wreaking on my life in general, so I’m thinking “screw it— why not just keep going, it's not like anybody but me is going to be enjoying this thing”.

what is your routine for length?


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