Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I feel like a King!

Great story, Godzilla. I have to agree with Sparkyx about telling her. I don’t think she’s going to complain. Hell, women aren’t stupid, she’s probably figured it out by now anyway.

r.a.g.: hang in there, man. Jelq, stretch, and pump, too. :)


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

Kingzilla rules his wife’s vagina

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I love knowing about the PEing. It can be fun to help.

I wouldn’t tell. Somehow takes the eroticism level down if you know it was “artificially” enhanced. I’d just say maybe I had a growth spurt or it was a hormonal thing or something. But that is just me. I know most others disagree. I always enjoy knowing a woman’s breasts are real rather than altered.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Congrats! Great story man! :D

Way to go Godzilla!

She will want more - trust me- you just have to give it time!

Don’t you love how she can’t keep her hands off you now? :chuckle:

Why you're a king

Know why I consider you a king? Because you achieve that level of sexiness with your wife, instead of letting your marriage go cold and running around night clubs looking for empty sex. God bless you.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Awesome man

>>>Know why I consider you a king? Because you achieve that level of sexiness with your wife, instead of letting your marriage go cold and running around night clubs looking for empty sex. God bless you.

It’s difficult to do dangleman! Believe me, I have looked around! Many times I’ve thought about other men’s wives and thought they must be sexier than wifey and better in bed. But ultimately, I always stick with wifey. She surprises me once in a while and I suppose perhaps that I may not be the sexiest man alive either. Keep thoughts of others in your mind and enjoy what you have. I’ve spent the last two years doing that and it seems to work for me.

One thing that has helped me along is the thought of wifey being fucked by someone else with a big dick… something I know she likes… and enjoying herself tremendously. I try daily to become this man and I think it has been paying off. Soon I hope to make my wife my slut too. Since my dick is bigger now I actually fantasize about her more than ever. Can’t wait to see her suck and fuck me again.


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

Inspirational man! Hope to get such relationship with my future wife myself.

Great story Godzilla. Man, you’re the best. Fill us in on the next sexcapade. Happy gaining dude!

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

I enjoyed the story Godzilla. Very inspirational and shows bigger can enhance sex. My wife has told me to not start getting any ideas of trying out other women as I get bigger. She knows I wouldn’t cheat, but was concerned enough to say that anyway. I wonder if this is why she’s not more supportive than she is, as she likes me getting bigger but doesn’t want to talk much about PEing. Personally, as I grow I would like to compare sex with various women from past and now and future, but I would never cheat in spite of my thoughts. l’m not about to tell her my thoughts about that. Just a natural curiosity on my part.


stories like this give me a reason to keep tryin! If a tenth of this stuff is true—I’ll keep pullin till I pull the dam thing off. Great job….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

>>>If a tenth of this stuff is true…

Everything I’m saying is true.


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

Great Godzilla, what did you did to have that gains?

Thanks in advance man..


BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)


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