I had nearly given up.......
Over our winter I’ve been pretty dedicated to hanging several hours a day, and ADS for another at least several hours a day, unwrapping rewrapping etc every time I take a leak, and sometimes sleeping with a traction wrap. Been observing the LOT theory, and hanging forward, up or up andto side etc
But whatever I did, my measurements were always 8.75 inches bone pressed, where it’s been stalled for 2 years, and the stretched length while hanging stubbornly would never go past 9+15/16”.
The only time erect length has been longer than 8.75”….ie at…9 or 9+1/8” has been just after PE
So I got pissed off with PE “big time” at the end of August, and didn’t PE for the first week of September. Nothing.
I took a Cialis on the weekend, and thought about measuring…..and did it…. 9 +1/8 inches!!!!! After half a Indian generic Viagra on Tuesday, (see Dino’s thread on Viagra ) I measured again just now a good vien popping erection (Wednesday 5.00pm) …….9 inches…….Magic!!!!!!
So it’s now over a week since I did any PE…..and it looks suspiciously like I’ve had a gain!!!!
I’m still wondering whether my dick isn’t already quite big enough…..and that the amount of time now for gains is sssssssoooooo disproportional to the benefits…………….
The ADS has given me just great flaccids too….regularly hanging at 6 inches or a shade more……That’s about an inch longer than before PE.
(Total gains now at 1 + 3/4 inches ……….If I was measuring BP back in my 20’s???? I leaned about jelquing when I was about 28 and I’m now 52. I jelqued from 7+1/4” to 7+1/2” back then, but stopped.)
So maybe it’s just a bigger than normal hard on from the pills???
Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"
This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!