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I just "Came Out" as a PE'r to my (female )Doctor

I just "Came Out" as a PE'r to my (female )Doctor

I’ve been having problems with blood out the end of my dick after a bit of jelqing. Damn nuisance, because my once very sore “jelqers elbow” now seems relatively “jelq-proof”.

First time it happened was a couple of weeks ago, and I layed off PE for near two weeks. Tried again last Monday, and got blood again. Jelqing 3/4 erect, but i was getting into it moderately hard.

After the first time I went to my GP and got tested for urinary tract STD’s, so after Monday’s episode, made an appointment for today to get the results.

Once I found out that the results were negative for STD’s, I decided that the best thing to do is tell her, at least about the jelqing, and that PE does get results, “I’ve got documentary evidence to prove that it works” etc, etc.

I wasn’t sure what the reception might be, but she was pretty positive, and said that she thought that maybe I hadn’t given enough time to heal from the last time. I’m not convinced, but will give it another two weeks, and then try again. She said she couldn’t think of any reason that I should stop, after thinking out aloud, as is her wont, about whether repeated trauma could result in cancer down the track, so to speak.

Anyway, to all of those who are suffering beat up dicks because of PE …..(I’m thinking of DINO and Stretch in’, and maybe others I don’t know of) ……., I’ve just got to say that you have to give it time to heal, or find new ways to do it more gently. After 1+3/4 inches of gains myself, and having been stalled at this point for years, I certainly know how frustrating it is. I described PE and gains as being “a bit like a drug” to my doctor, and that I didn’t want to stop. (She doesn’t know how long I’ve been at it)

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

That sucks. I’ve got the same problem, and planned to go for 10 days without jelqing. I’ll probably have to wait longer then. But I think I’ll give it a try after 10 days anyway.

Now I’m stretching like a maniac instead.

I’m pretty sure that it’s because of blood leaking out to the urethra because of the pressure, because it has never happened except when I’ve jelqed.

I guess that I’ve been jelqing too hard and/or for too long time each session. My penis is also very discoloured from jelqing.

Had she heard of it before? Did she think it works? Did you show her what you do?

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Telling the Doctor

Yes, Trigger, she was curious. I prefaced it all by saying that it was difficult for me to talk about, and that if she wanted me to tell a male doctor, then to let me know. (A sure way to get them to listen and NOT want you to engage anyone else, I guess in hindsight!!!)

I described jelqing with my fingers in the air, and mentioned the “documentary evidence”, and would have said that I had photos of myself before and after a 1.5 inch increase, but it didn’t come to that. I didn’t want to brag!!! (Excepting here at Thunders!!)

All I said was …it’s a bit like stretching nipples to make them bigger, and I assumed that in a medical practice with lots of gay men, that someone would have told her about nipple enlargement for sexual sensitivity and size. She nodded wisely…..and I don’t think that it was just that she was humouring me….and moved onto discussing with me how the mucosal membrane inside the dick is just one cell thick, and that if it is cut for an operation there or elsewhere in the body that many weeks are allowed before subjecting it to trauma.

I don’t think that she had heard of it, but don’t really know. Maybe she had because she didn’t seem too incredulous.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Blood from the urethra sucks. Even after mine healed, it still hurts in that area

after girth workouts. I gave it three weeks. Anything more then 20% erect, it hurts, but no blood,

so I go with it. I got a shit load of black spots that don’t go away, blood spot, strechmark,

messed up skin. If I ever had a doctor look at my ass-whipped unit, I’d really need

a story before I go.

LOL, Like I’d go to a doctor.

Thats cool you had the bullocks to tell your doctor the truth.

"Thats cool you had the bullocks to tell your doctor the truth"

I thought it through before I went in.

“If I’m negative for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, then I tell her about PE”.

That’s what we pay them for, and if they are going to give you the best advice that they can, then we’ve got to be truthful to them. It’s then up to us to do our best with what they tell us, and maybe reject it, but if we give them some half arsed (ie only semi true) story, and they then give us a faulty recommendation based on that wrong information, we only have ourselves to blame.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!


After seeing your dick she must have been sorry your not straight, I bet she had have a great story for her friends about the good looking dude with the really big dick and if only he wasn’t gay :D . I’m glad your test came out clean my friend!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey P9,

When that happens to me I jelq very lightly (after a few days rest) and then I work my way up to heavy jelqs over a few weeks time. It always seemed to work by slowly increasing the pressure, kind of like starting over with a newbie routine for a week or two. Good luck on the healing

The ravings of a madman...

Thanks guys for the comments.

Sorry to “blow” your Doctor-Patient sex fantasy, Dino, but she didn’t ask even to see it, which was a bit of a surprise.

I could have asked for some lube, got it 3/4 up and done all the variations of grip, erect bends, etc. NAAAAH. She is little and scrawny and a bit like a younger version of Granny Clampett. If it had been a big muscley guy I might have insisted that he see just how to do it!!!

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

It’s funny I had to get a check up at this doctors office and I had a female doctor and she was Hindu/Islam or one of those religions that cover up the women she had the thing over her head and everything and the dress or robe down to the floor, and I could still tell she was a young hot chick under all those cloths. But she also didn’t check my dick, I was disappointed because I was getting fluffed over the thought of this religious lady playing with my dick. In my sick fantasy of course she would have closed the door and took of her cloths and would have had a Fredericks of Hollywood kind of body and a well trimmed bush.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

OK, I can’t imagine telling any doctor around here about PE, they would have themselves one really big laugh at my expence as soon as I left the office, and more than half of the girls that work there know either me or my wife. If I needed medical attention, I’d have to go to the big city to the ER.


IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

…..and said….”stretch me and make me feel like a virgin again Mr.Dino, with that magnificently proportioned salami between your legs”. lol. Is that about right Dino?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Using the upside down U-grip to prevent bleeding

Today I happened to think abot a cross-section picture of the penis that I’ve seen somewhere here on Thunder’s place. A particular thing about it was that it showed that the urethra is not, as one might think, located in the space between the three corpora, but inside the corpus spongiosum.

This would mean that blood is coming out of the urethra during jelqing only because of too much pressure on the corpus spongiosum, and has nothing to do with the amount of pressure applied on the corpora cavernosa.

If so, you would be able to avoid bleeding by using the upside down U-grip - which puts very little pressure on the corpus spongiosum - instead of the ok-grip.

Today, after a 7 day break, I jelqed carefully for 20 min with the upside down U-grip, and there was no bleeding. This was the first time I used that grip, and I found it much harder to use than the ok-grip. But I guess I’ll have to stick to that grip for a while now.

Now I’m wondering if there is anybody who uses mainly the upside down U-grip and still has experienced bleeding from the urethra while jelqing?

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