Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I think I understand what quitting smoking is like


Originally Posted by big_stiff48302
My heroine addiction is to Linda Carter as Wonder Woman.

argh….. damn spell checker! I meant heroin the drug.

Only difference I can see is that if a smoker can put themselves in a position where they have no access to cigs, then it would be easier to quit. In the case of a PE’er, your dick is always there :) so the tempatation might be easier, but I am sure the nicotine addiction is about as strong as it gets.

uhh…. yeah…. nicotine is a physical addiction second only to heroin (thanks BS) if you quit PE’ing your body will not go through withdrawals. if you have never been addicted to nicotine you will never understand, and that is great, If you are now or ever have been addicted then you know.

Originally Posted by fieldmouse
Man, I hear you. Im a PE junkie now. I got serious problems. :) On my days off, I can hardly wait until my days on. Like im waiting for a hit of crack. I need therapy when I hit my goals to help me cope.

That is exactly my point. Didn’t mean to put those “other” addictions in peoples faces :hide:

Cheers to “addiction to PE:gulp:

Originally Posted by fieldmouse
Man, I hear you. Im a PE junkie now. I got serious problems. :) On my days off, I can hardly wait until my days on. Like im waiting for a hit of crack. I need therapy when I hit my goals to help me cope.

what are “days off”???

Originally Posted by stubby
what are “days off”???


All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:


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