Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I think I've been doing it wrong

I think I've been doing it wrong

It’s been 8 months since I’ve started PE. I gained 0.5 in length in the first 2 months and the gains just stopped. I’ve been on and off with many breaks. During these 8 months my routine isn’t much different from what I started with. Now it consists in 13 mins manual strerching and 13 mins jelqing. I was afraid to add more or to use greater force, because I took so many breaks and I thought I wasn’t conditioned enough.

The problem is that now my dick is tougher to stretch and It may be over conditioned. I have 4 questions:

1) Did I lose some potential gains by not using enough force for enough time?
2)Will I gain less than I would have If I had done it right?
3)Should I do more advanced exercises and/or use greater force for a greater amount of time?
4)Should I take a deconditioning break, then start with a different routine?

I could use some advice here. Thank you in advance!

1) Possibly.

2) Possibly.

3) If you feel your penis is conditioned well enough and you are comfortable with it.

4) You can if you want.

What would be the best solution: a deconditioning break, or trying a more intense routine?


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