Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I wonder

I wonder

What do you think is the percentage of men in the world that would be interested in taking up PE if they were somehow made fully aware of the fact that their penises can be enlarged through exercising? Let’s just say, somehow, a magic wand was waved, allowing every man on earth to KNOW that PE exsists and that it works, with no doubt in their mind of that fact.

What percentage of men in the world would give PE a try? What percentage of those men that tried it would actually stay at it long enough to grow?

I sometimes find myself thinking when I look at some men, what they would do if given the knoweldge that PE exsists and definately works. What would they do with that knowledge? What are the chances that they would actually take up PE and be bigger one year later after being given the knowledge?

I sometimes also wonder, when I look at some men, who have an air of insecurity about them and in their aproach to life, whether that would change if they had a bigger penis. I have the feeling that they would be confident if they had been the boy in school who knew he had a bigger penis than the other boys and that girls liked bigger. How would it change them and their aproach to life if they woke up with a bigger penis? What would they do with the knowledge that PE exsists and works? Would they put that knowledge to use?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Sounds like a money making scheme in the making! Count me in for 10%.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Dont bother telling people about p.e

I honestly think alot of guys would just think its bullsh*t, and probabaly ignore p.e. For example i have a good friend who, for no reason told me he had an 2 1/2 erection (no joke). Im pretty sure he was serious because ive known him for a long time and hes always honest. Hes about 6’3 220 lbs and has a size 14 shoe, so i would think that a 2 inch penis would have a HUGE burden on his self esteem. This was when i had just discovered p.e (about a year and a half ago, but i didnt stick with it) so like the nice guy i am, i told him that you can make it bigger through stretching and jelqing. He thought i was an idiot. I gave him a link to this site, and alls he could say about it was ” thats gay, a bunch of guys talking about their dicks” . He also said about p.e that ” you cant make it bigger, i heard it on love line, people always call up about it” among other things. I guess he will go through life with a tiny penis, oh well its not my fault. Now i just keep my mouth shut and keep this stuff to myself. Just my thoughts.

What do you think is the percentage of men in the world that would be interested in taking up PE if they were somehow made fully aware of the fact that their penises can be enlarged through exercising? >>

I dunno. I know that I can make my waist smaller through diet and exercise but I haven’t made a great deal of progress there.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Just telling him was good. People may not seem receptive at all and you may never know that he did or did not do PE, but you can be sure that he checked the forum out later on while you were gone.

Oh yeah, and I think that only about 10-15% of the people would actually stick with PE long enough to get gains. To us 30+ minutes a day, 5 days a week doesn’t seem like all that anymore, but to Joe Schmo just starting it does. Quick turnoff, gets discouraged that there’s no gains after doing exercises 2 days a week for 2 weeks and quits. Goes and tells everybody that it’s a scam.

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills


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