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Ice wrapping! Again!

Ice wrapping! Again!

Maybe someone noticed my lats Ice wrapping thread.
Where i suggested that ice wrapping may cement the gains.

Anyways, i heard on the new the other day that two
foreigners had been escorted from Sweden to Egyptian
and tortured, you’ve properly heard of it?

Anyways, what i noted is that a professor said
that wounds and marks could easily have been
prevented by using ice of cold water where there
would have been marks of the torture.

Wouldn’t this mean that ice wrapping after
a PE session also would reduce discoloration
and other injuries?

I’ve never tried wrapping at all, but this
sounds to me logical.

what’ya’all think?

/mvh räven

I think you should use a PE technique that doesn’t cause so much discoloration and injury in the first place.

Coming from Sweden, you are used to the snow and ice, but me living in Arizona, ice on my cock would give me a heart attack!

I like the warmth and the long and loose hang it promotes myself.

Well, talking about logics, ice will produce constriction on your veins (I just don´t know the word - “micro veins” - is the better I can do to explain), making all blood run away form your tool. So you can decrease the injuries, but decrease the gains too.

[---- I was 4.75" BPEL // I am 6.1" BPEL // I´ll be 8" BPEL ----]

Hum, why would the gains decrease?
Stretched tissue will not revolt back? or?

I just tested partly this method.
I Jelq’ed for about 20Min’s and then some small
stretches then some jerking off :D

anyways, then into the shower and went for
cold warm cold warm cold warm tactic.

Seemed to work very well, the flaccid size of it
looked huge, ill test it for a week or two then
go back and see what will be the best.

The only thing that even comes close to mind with the cold/hot/cold/hot showering pattern is something an athlete/weightlifter would use. Supposedly it makes the lactic acid build up be flushed out, with hopes that you would recover faster from a workout.

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