Are you sure about that formula?Volume is surface multiplied by height, but surface is not 2 * Pi * r, that’s circumference. Surface is r^2 * Pi. So Volume is r^2 * Pi * h.
I’m not sure that formula really matters here. The stresses you are applying, at any given time, to create deformation are not really applied to the whole volume of the penis. Truth be told, only the area of the penis is of any concern, here. As a picrtorial model, you could see the penis as a pillar that is segmented. Each slice/ segment is a point of applied stress. The penis could be 6” long or 12” long and it will not take any more effort to apply stress at each segment.
But, it must be remembered that the slices we are applying stress to are not of a uniform composition. In other words, not all parts of each section of penis will resist deformation at the same rate. As I stated before, for instance, the ligs will not be any harder to stress as the girth increases. In fact, as the girth increases, the ligs make up a smaller portion of the area being stressed.
The penis is not solid and the increase in girth is not due to solid material increase, but due to the increase in size of the chambers that fill with blood during erection. Certainly, these chambers can not have as tough a resistance as solid matter ( like the ligs), so I am wondering how much an increase in girth really adds to the difficulty in lenght gains. Again, if it does, and it seems that is most people’s experience, it can’t necessarily be solely because of nmore material to stretch. Even if all parts of the penis were of equal composition, and therefore created the same resistance to deformation, the greater resistance should be easily overcome by adding more force. We’re talking human tissue, here, not steel. It couldn’t even require that much extra force.
So, i propose that it is something other than just the increase in area that impedes length gains after you gain in girth. Perhaps it is something in the material properties of the different tissues. Thast bears consideration. Either way you look at it, it really is an engeneering question, biological though it may be. As a group, we need to differentiate between the materials ( tissues) comprising the penis. We need to doccument the physical properties of these materials. Then we need to figure out the proportion of each material within a cross section of the penis, as given girths. Then, we simply need to determine the forces and thew mechanical actions needed to cause material failure at the level we need to achieve for permanent deformation.
Although no one should try to induce priapism, the priapisms that end in megalophalus show us that there is a point, a perfect point, of proper stress applied over just the right time that will cause immediate, permanent deformation. Nature finds it by accident, sometimes. As rational beings, it is not beyond probability that we can discover that point. Even if it is too difficult to recreate those conditions for a one time PE “fix”, greater understanding of the forces at play should allow us to find the perfect formula to consistantly achieve successful PE in a timely manner.
Perhaps greater study needs to be made of priapism and the stress X time factors involved in creating the megalophalus condition. I think, refering to another thread that I have going, it is interesting that there is little to no glans growth exibited by the megalophalus’ I have seen pictures of.
I mean, just thinking logically…..
Hmmmmm I’m going to give this some more thought and maybe throw some thoughts out on the table that, hopefully, might lead someone to an epiphany. Just like sailing ,or anything else, PE only seems like witch doctor stuff, until you really figure out the sience. Once the actual laws and principles governing PE are uncovered, it should be a matter of simply applying the knowledge.