Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm sending a new guy here - hope he comes

Where do you drink?

Well impressed Wad!

Whilst you have compromised your privacy to an extent, your compassion and concern for someone who clearly has suffered in silence up to now, in all probability never finding anyone with whom to have a meaningful conversation in such a personal area, will compensate for this.

If he becomes a member and I hope he does, he will always be grateful to you I would expect, for the opportunities to discuss,something which hitherto it has been impossible to do, with so many good people who will provide advice, inspiration, support and friendship.

Must say that in my experience, dick size has never arisen in conversation, after beers or anything else come to think of it. Just wondering how many you actually had before the topic came up and where do you drink exactly?

You have shown yourself already to be a true friend.


Well done Wad, Well Done!

Although, I must say, I’m not that surprised that you told this guy about Thunders.
It just seems (to me) that that is the kind of guy you are. And its because of people like you that Thunders is so great!

Aw shucks, guys!


Anyway, he seemed like a decent enough guy and, frankly, nobody deserves to suffer like that - to basically give up their lives and shun female companionship because of a small penis (especially when there’s help to be found here at Thunder’s).

I couldn’t not tell him.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I’ve been working with a guy for a few months. We finally went out for a few beers and he told me the saddest tale I’ve ever heard about cock size.

He’s a good-lucking guy in his 20’s, but he’s never been laid, never even had a girlfriend. These facts have led him to being unfairly targeted as a homosexual by many who know him. But he explained to me the reason his life is void of women - he kept saying, “you wouldn’t believe how small I am.”

In his youth he was an excellent athlete, but when the age of showers came upon him, he abruptly dropped out of sports - alienating him from his sports-crazed family. He even faked various illnesses/conditions to obtain doctors’ excuses, exempting him from gym class (and the dreaded showers, of course).

He retreated into the cyber world and he is a computer whiz who has helped me a lot, so I’m returning the favor. I’ve encouraged him about this place, urged him to join. Told him about guys who’ve gone from “less than 5 inches” to 7” or more. He said, “That could only be a dream for me.”

Anyway, I didn’t tell him my handle here; so, I didn’t want to go into too many details (may have already done so). I’ve just posted a lot of shit here that I wouldn’t want circulating in my own backyard - but I believe him to be a serious individual, and not malicious or anything. He seemed really desperate.

I know the guys here would give him a warm welcome & a lot of encouragement. I hope he joins.

- w a d

It IS great that you told him, but there is one objection that he might raise, which is that you’ve told “his story” to the board. He may join but lurk, feeling embarassed (which he shouldn’t) about his small size and insecurities.

If he has joined, and is reading this thread, I want to tell him that is no need to lurk. No one will make fun of him or they will most likely be BANNED with lightning quickness.

Anyway. It’s great that you told him. He should be directed to YGuy’s history when he gets here.

Hey Wad,

I’m pulling a toast to you, bro. You’re one of the good ones.

There’s probably lots of us who know somebody who would appreciate Thunder’s. How did you get onto the subject? I mean, maybe my friends are a little old-fashioned, but if I mentioned anything about my dick in a non-joking manner, my compadres would clam up and eyeball the door.

What did you say?


I love you guys :D

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

Aye, I feel sorry for the fella as well. Good thing ya broke the silence and let the guy in on the secret.

I hear ya Craig, sure don’t think I would want to bring something up like that with most of the folks I know.

Hopefully he can find some comfort in talking to some folks on this board and some info that may help him with his problem.

Like I said, I didn’t want to go into too much detail - but, since I probably did already….

We were talking about some of the women at work, bullshitting about women in general, etc. He mentioned the dick-pic prank he heard about (remember, I posted it here about 5 months ago, This will teach them!). We were just b-s’ing, one thing led to another. I commented about how some of the women at work check him out, so why doesn’t he ask one out. Then he said something like, "Well, it would be easy for you with what you’re packing." Like I said, we started about women, he told me he didn’t have any girlfriends, I suggested a couple women at work, he broached the size issue when he mentioned that pic. Then he pretty much spilled the beans for me - telling me he I wouldn’t believe how small he was, and that he had never been with a woman. I think he was relieved to find me sympathetic, and not snickering. I told him this was the place for him - many guys here have similar stories - and grew some nice inches.

Like I said, I hope he comes.

Hi all,

Well this is a newbe to the forum as well. I have joined this site not so long ago and I am so glad and thankful that I landed this forum. Although I am new to this site but I am no newbe when it comes to trying to make my lil fella larger. Sadly enough, and after I have been reading this forum, I realised how much time I have wasted trying. Especially when there is no knowledge as to what the hell I was doing. Let just say too keen with no idea what to do. Well, from the time I started reading the threads here I have noticed some changes happening and I am really grateful to so many of you guys. First for being so kind and generous and for sharing such information which I consider as precious as gold and for being so helpful to each other and to people whom the thought of having a not so adequate member has haunted them all their lives like myself.
I just want to say thank you, and I hope I can make a few friends on this forum as most of you guys seem to be so genuine, kind and helpful.
Wadzilla, people like you mate make the world a better place. Not just in the PE department but for people who care like yourself in all aspects of life that make others have hope in life and don’t give up or give in.

That’s what it’s all about man - we’re here helping each other, giving help & getting help. Whether you’re doing manual PE, hanging, pumping, wearing a traction device, etc. And lots of other forums here too.

I’ve learned more from this place than 3 other forums combined - and 2 payguides to boot!

I believe that I’m going to get my 8.5-8.75 BPEL someday - and hopefully not too far in the future.

That’s awesome Wad. Guy deserves it.

Everybody knows how it feels to be in that position. Let’s hope he doesn’t become one of those people who becomes big and makes fun of others for being small.

Originally Posted by LonerJ

Let’s hope he doesn’t become one of those people who becomes big and makes fun of others for being small.

I’m not looking for names, but does anyone know anyone who is like this?

I must say that it probably would not surprise me if it was at some other forum, but surely not here at Thunder’s?

Every forum has a culture and new members quickly assimilate. The culture here is very mature and interactive/open.

BPEL 6", EG 4.5" Remember God, keep Him in your daily life and he will deliver blessings

I’m talking about in the offline world.

I find it pathetic to make somebody feel like that especially if you went through it and know how it feels.
Because ‘you’re the man’ now.

So did ya manage to “recruit” :D

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.


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