Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

In Theory it's possible to make a 13" dick!

In Theory it's possible to make a 13" dick!

so lets say the guy starts with 6”, like me…
he pulls for 1 year and gains 1 ” now at 7” he does the same for 6 years and now he is at 13” true or false????

emmmmm I was just thinking about it last night driving home from work… hahahhaha…

I think…

If you actually got a 13 inch dick…

Women would run away screaming. ;)

maybe, But I’m sure I could use it to my advantage….like as a porno star or something. Don’t know if the wife would agree.

Along the lines of this thread, I would like to know the max of a possible flaccid increase. Would it get to the stage that the penis would become unfunctional?

Could one of the vets point me to a post, even on another board, related to max potential growth, especially where flaccid is concerned? It seems the average increase is 1-2 erect, a little longer in others before potential increase requires impossible weight/time ratio…but ‘stretching’ the flaccid…where is the limit here?


I believe, could be wrong on this, that the length of the visible part of the penis equates the length of the hidden part of the penis.

If I got it right then natural penis enlargement forces/conditions the cells of the visible part of the penis to absorb more blood and because of that to grow in girth and in length. But the biggest length gains comes as I understood it, from pulling the hidden part of the penis outwards so that it becomes part of the visible part of the penis.

So I think the maximum growth for an individual regarding erect length is determined by how much blood the cells can absorb and how much of the hidden part of the penis can be be pulled outwards so that it becomes visible without disrupting the natural balance that seems to exist between the visible/external and the hidden/internal part of the total penis to the point where it becomes disfunctional.

As for flaccid penis size….I think the flaccid penis size can be equal to the erect penis size. Why not?

"Pulling the hidden part out"

For a long time I’ve wondered what goes into the place where the hidden part of the penis was. Do the prostate and bladder sink down and fill up the space? Then what goes where they were? Do your internal organs rearrange themselves?


I theory “yes’, but in practice probably “no”. The time and effort required to gain a 13” penis would probably defeat most men. The majority have trouble sticking to it with any cosistency for 6 months let alone 6 years. And some men don’t gain anything no matter how hard or long they practice PE. But I’m sure that the ideal candidate could achieve this (one with time, determination, skill and very receptive tissue) but we would be looking at an “elite PE athlete”. It won’t happen for everyone in the same way that not all of us can run 100 mtrs in less than 10 seconds.

And then there is the whole issue of whether it would still be a fully functional member. Reports suggest that followers of the Nada Sadhu sect, who reputedly gain extraordinary penis lengths by hanging with heavy stones, are mostly impotent. But we must also remember that these men hang weights from their penis as a religious pennance so getting a stiffie is probably not high on their list of priorities.:chuckle: It would be interesting to find out whether viagra (or a similar erection inducing drug) would give them a fully functioning erection……. or just make them pass out! :chuckle:

On the question of where growth occurs ….. this has always perplexed me. We talk about micro tears being created by fatiguing the tissue (controlled damage). This would create scar tissue which is more meat (growth). Perhaps some ligament stretching also gives length but maybe it simply frees more tissue to be fatigued rather than it pulling the penis out of the body. I find the whole concept of the penis being pulled out of the body hard to accept - I think it’s anchored too securely. Just look at the ligaments in a chicken leg and how strong and tough those little things are ….. now compare them to human ligaments which are much bigger and tougher. I think you’d pull it off before you’d pull it out! :eek:

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

All of what Lil1 as said---- PLUS

Plus the diminishing returns for force/ time /gain that I think I must be in now.

From my perspective as the new “star long term non-gainer”, I’ve been musing on this…….

Most people get wonderful early gains, say 1-2” in 6-12 months —- probably ligament stretching —but each 1/8 inch gets more difficult to gain as —-and I think lil1 is right, we must actually “grow new penis length” rather than pull it out from inside.

Hence my interest in “all day stretch” at relatively low force.

The fully erect manual stretches have got me interested though—- really give the ligs a work out. Only done them a couple of times so far. I mostly find that at the end of hanging, before I take the wrap off I can easily get a great erection, and that’s the time to do some good fully erect stretches

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

how far can the ligaments stretch?

I would think that somewhere in the body of medical science literature there is a known amount as to how far a human ligament can stretch. I seem to remember reading somewhere that a ligament can stretch to 20% beyond its given length, but no more. I believe with ligaments cells do not reproduce. You have what you have and you may be able to stretch them a bit but you can’t “break them down” and rebuild them. That’s why when you tear a ligament the only options are to try to reattach it or to replace it entirely. So I really can’t see how one can stretch the ligaments of the penis beyond a certain point. Certainly not from 6” to 13” !!!

Yes I think that it is theoretically possible to double your penis length. I think it would take nothing more than patience and dedication, however few of us would have the dedication to do what it would take, perhaps 10 or 12 hours a week hang time and 6-8 hours a week doing jelqs and squeezes, perhaps for 5 years or more.That is a lot of life to use up on what may turn out to be a self defeating purpose. Past about 8.5 or 9” you would have a hard time finding a willing partner. After 10” usually a good portion of it would go unused - just for show. But most importantly the physics would catch up with you and it would be difficult to maintain a quality erection for intercourse and by necessity have to resort to hand jobs or self gratification


I don’t think there is a maximum a given tendon or ligament can stretch given sufficient time. perhaps you are referring to the amount of acute stretch before rupture of the tissue. Well, hopefully in PE we are inducing microtears and over periods of time. Remodeling occurs ending with a lengthened ligament/tissue. Or in this case penis.

Ligament cells (mostly fibroblasts) are not what is disrupted. It is collagen and elastin. These are extracellular protiens that are produced by the fibroblasts and other tissue cells.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


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